
I was outside, in the warm dusk, talking to one of the soldiers about food storages. Aemond walked up to me. "Niece, I have a little gift. My grandsire Otto wanted me to give you her," Aemond interrupted us. I turned around and saw a beautiful, fragile girl behind my uncle, she most certainly was not a knight. I excused the soldier and told him that I will talk to him later.

"Good morning, my princess. I am Valerie Sunewotrh, your new handmaid." She bowed her head. I smiled at the girl, she was perhaps ten years older than me. "Well, good morning, lady Valerie," I greeted her. "Oh, princess, I am no lady," she said with a shy smile. "Well, now that you're my handmaid, I will call you a lady," I said. "My tent is the red one in the middle. I have a scarlet, linen shirt that needs to be cleaned. It's hanging on the chair. I hope you wouldn't mind doing that" I told her with a smile. She was so beautiful. She reminded me of Laena, I could tell that she had a good heart. But not just that, her looks in general reminded me of my aunt. She had dark like chocolate, shiny skin and plump limps, her hair was dark and curly, just as much as Laena's.

She smiled at me and bowed, then walked to my tent to clean my shirt. I turned around and looked to my uncle. He was already staring at me, with a look I couldn't quite make out. I noticed how handsome he looked in daylight. His white Targaryen hair flowed in the wind like flames, his purple eye glowed and shined looking directly at me. Watching me like some target, I was just a prey to him and he was a beast, ready to feast on my young blood.

"It's weird that Otto would gift me a girl like that. It's war after all, most of the girls would be scared to death, to go here," I told him with a calm voice. "Yes indeed. I thought that too, when he told me to bring her to you. But I guess, I will never turly understand my grandsire," he told me. He spoke in a deep and stern voice, he had no emotion, anything but some kind of viciousness deep inside his eye.

"What were you talking about?" He asked. "About the food storages. We are running out of food, espiacially now, that more men have joined." I answered, we started to walk around our camp together. "Have you talked to lord Tyrell?" he asked. "I'm planning to fly to Highgarden after our battle and talk to the lord, myself," I told him. "I heard lord Tyrell is rather fond of you," "Yes, he truly likes me. I never understood his fascination towards me, but he says he sees potential in me and that he would always be on my side, if I ever needed an ally, he would be the first one on my side"

I wasn't stupid, I know what he meant. He meant the war that might happen between my mother and my uncle Aegon. I knew what he meant, he meant that whichever team I was on, he was there too. And I wanted Aemond to know that, I wanted Aemond to tell Otto that I have the Tyrells in my grasp. That I have Highgarden's support.

Sennina is a Tully. She swore an oath to me, meaning that when I call for her, she will be there. She is my sworn protector and I love her with all my heart. Avery is a Baratheon, the younger brother of Borros Baratheon. He also is my dearest friend, people say that it is me who turned him into a man. If I try and list all the houses that are my allies, I would for sure have more than Aegon, but also more than my mother. She should've made allies, but she didn't. And the war in my family may not be a threat yet, but it will come, it's just around the corner. And I have collected allies all across Vesteros, whilst they have slept winters sleep.

Aemond kept quiet thinking about what I just said. He walked me to my tent. "You should go talk to my grandsire. He wishes to speak to you more. He truly admires your ambition to go here. Not many princes are marching to war and fighting alongside their men, but you are. That is admirable." I told him. "Not many princesses are marching to war either," he looked at me with his eye. And I was sure, at that moment, he looked at me with lust. And I didn't mind that. Because I was looking at him just the same.

"Good night, byka zaldrīzes," he told me. He gave me a nickname. It was sweet and I was a dragon, but not a little one.

Little dragon

"Nyke nykeā zaldrīzes, yn daor mirrī mēre" I said to him arrogantly. If he was to give me a nickname, he will give me one, that I like. One that will make me feel glorious.

I am a dragon, but not a little one

"Alright, issa Brāedāzma Dāria," he said with a laugh, but not a sarcastic one. His laugh was deep, more of a chuckle, but his laugh surely turned me on. And that doesn't happen a lot. And this nickname made me feel powerful. It was the same the men around here call me, but in our ancestors' language, so it felt more personal. More, our own.

Alright, my Bronze Queen

Then he walked off. And I stepped into my tent. Valerie was there neatly folding my clean shirt. She was humming a lullaby underneath her breath. And I saw her, it was no Valerie standing in front of me, it was Laena. A true resemblance of her, so similiar, yet so distant. A version of her, that screamed of her death, instead of helping me to remember her alive. But I had to deal with it, Laena is dead. And the woman standing in front of me is not Laena, it's Valerie.

"Hello," I said. "Oh, hello, princess,"  she turned around. "I finished cleaning your shirt. Is there anything else you wish me to do?" She asked. "Yes. Help me get ready to sleep. You will have to sleep in my tent today, since we are going to battle tomorrow. But once we'll return, you will get your own tent, next to me." I told her. "Of course, princess. I am gratful for your generosity,". She moved closer to me and started helping me undress.

When I was in my nightgown she brushed my hair and braided it. We chatted while she did my hair and she was really sweet. I already knew that she will be my dear friend. It was so strange that Otto gave me her, but I was grateful, she seemed to be the sweetest girl I have ever met.


So Aemond and Visaenys want to do it soo bad. They are practically eye fucking each other every time they're together. I hope you liked it and thank you for reading!

The Bronze QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant