
When the war in the Stepstones broke out, lord Corlys was the first to do something about it. My grandsire was the only one to take action, he sent his men, wrote to everyone he knew yet that wasn't enough, nobody paid much mind for the war. After all, wars were expensive and nobody likes to spend their gold on a war that doesn't affect them yet. So, of course, it wasn't long when my grandfather decided to go to the Stepstones himself. And I had a perfect plan. I rode the second largest living dragon - Vermithor the bronze fury. And a dragon in a war like the one happening in the Stepstones was perfect. It was dangerous none the less, but a queen warrior was a good title. A one I would definitely enjoy. But if I wanted this to be true, I had to do many things before, I need everyone to fall at my feet. Also, it's a good way to annoy my mother.

"Please grandsire, I train every day, I know how to wield a sword, I'm great with a bow and arrow, I ride a giant dragon. I can help you, I want to help you, I need to help you" I begged. I wasn't ashamed of begging, once I finish crying, they will be the ones begging to me and I will enjoy it just as much as people enjoy when I beg them. "I know, sweet girl, but this is real battle, not training. I know why you want to do that, it would blow everyone away if you came back as a powerful warrior to be queen, the small folk would love you, they always love heroes like that" Corlys answered with calm tone and a slight smile. He adored my ambition and he knew I go that from Daemon, but I wanted to go there. I loved Driftmark and I love my grandmother and sister, but it has been getting quite boring doing the same thing every day for the past years. I needed to feel mortal again. "Please" I begged. "There isn't anything I can say to change your mind, hm?" "No there isn't" I said, sure of my answer. "Fine, but I will be saddened if anything happened to you, truly" he smiled and I hugged him. We will be going on a real adventure, a war. I will be good at it, I want to win and when I want something, I always get it, someway.

I climbed on Vermithor and took off to the stepstones, Maelys and Moondancer with their riders on them followed us for a bit, but once we couldn't see Corlys' lands in the horizon, they got back home. My grandsire was behind my back also on Vermithor. Once we got to the Stepstones, we were shocked. It was, not a battle, it was pure butchering. The triarchy seemed to be even more brutal, than they were from the stories of Lord Corlys' youth. They were good fighters I could agree on that, so we had to take them unexpected, they mustn't know that there is now a dragon on their enemy's side.

We landed in the area were the Velaryon camps were. We were lucky, the clouds were thick and Vermithor landed unseen. When the valaryon soldiers heard that a dragon has joined their side, they started cheering and getting drunk, they thought that they will win the war easily. If only they would've known that wars are never won easily


Okay so a shorter one for know, but the upcoming chapters will be interesting, so stay with me. Also share your thoughts!

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