
We were flying in the sky on our dragons, as our men were marching to the east. Vermithor felt my stress and understood what's happening, he knew what we were flying to, and felt as if it was his job to protect me and make me happy. Vermithor truly felt me, felt me to my core, to my soul.

I looked at our soldiers with pity, most of them will not return. But that's how war works, someone always has to make sacrifices.

Vermithor circled in the sky and flew closer to Vhagar, it has been some time since the last time Vermithor was around Vhagar. My boy flew around the old beast in a speed that he uses rarely, distracting me and making me laugh. I laughed as he circled around Vhagar and made slick swirls around himself, turning me upside down and making my head spin. I missed this, I missed flying around with other dragons and I missed how happy my beautiful dragon was around dragons he liked.

Especially I missed riding with Vhagar. It reminded me a lot of Laena and our rides. We used to go flying together all the time. We both loved racing with each other so much. Vhagar was bigger, but Vermithor was much faster than her, only Meleys was faster than Vermithor.

I smiled sadly at the memory of Laena. Perhaps the reason why I loved that Vhagar now joined us, was because it reminds me of Laena and is the living memory of her imprinted in my eyes, just like her daughters.

I felt Aemond watching me and as Vermithor grew a bit tired and slowed down, I turned to look at him. He was staring right at me, with a sly smirk.

Vhagar was nothing like Vermithor. She was old and grumpy, Vermithor was fiery and more angry, than annoyed by everything. But it seemed that the older dragon also enjoyed Vermithors company and came back to life. It seemed that Aemond had a hard time controlling his dragon. I realised that he didn't have that good of a connection with his dragon like I had with mine.

We stopped for a quick break, since the soldiers were tired and Sennina said it would be best if the soldiers had more strength and were not tired. My hips and thighs were starting to ache too, from the constant dragon riding. Vermithor landed on a grassy field and I slid down his scaled body. Once I was on the ground Vermithor clicked his tongue a few times, demanding my love. I turned and started petting his shiny neck.

Soon Vhagar landed beside us, making my hair flow in the strong winds from her wings. I turned around and Vermithor sniffed, annoyed that I wasn't giving my full attention to him. Aemond climbed down his dragon's body and walked to us. Vhagar slithered away from us and curled in a large ball. She put her nose in her legs and covered her face with her wings, to secure herself from the daylight.

"Well, he is much more energetic than I thought," "He's really not. Just excited to reunite with his old friend," I answered him. He walked to me and Vermithor screeched a little, now angry that Aemond was stealing me away from him. I spoiled my dragon with my love, I really did. He was the only one I ever cared for. Daily rides, best sheep, roaming the skies whenever he wanted, every cave and pit that he pleased. Vermithor was truly that king of the world, but I was the one to make him like that.

Vermithor put his wings around me protectively and roared lowely at Aemond to go away. I started snickering as Aemond lost his balance and had to take a few steps back, because of the harsh movements of my boy. I hugged Vermithor's neck and strated whispering in high Valyrian. "Clam ilagon, issa valonqar. Ziry's nykeā raqiros, ziry maghatan aōha raqiros kesīr. Ziry's sir se kipagīros hen Vhagar. Shh, issa jorrāelagon. Ziry means daor ōdrikagon"

Clam down, my boy. He's a friend, he brought your friend here. He's now the rider of Vhagar. Shh, my love. He means no harm

Vermithor seemed to calm down and suspicious me away from his wings prison. But still had an angry and suspicios look in his furious eyes. He is such a mama's boy and when somebody, in this situation a very handsome blond, one eye prince, tries to steal me away from him, he gets irritated.

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