Author's Note

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Before you read any further a few things you should take into consideration:

This story was written and completed back in 2013. It was my second go at a story and the writing reflects as such. It is under heavy rewriting, but I've decided to just post it as it was before I decided to delete everything back in 2020.

I can't say when the new version will be published because I'm slow on editing (I started editing on and off on 2020) and it's difficult for me to rewrite something that I already have, so it's taking a while.

I still can't pinpoint what I feel putting this out there again. It shows just what I was reading back then and it's both funny/cringe and nostalgic.

Also, I'm just copying-pasting the chapters as they are, take into consideration that English is my second language and I stumbled with it so much back then.

Now, with all that out of the way, this is mostly for those who read this story when it was first published and finished, who want to go back and reread something from a while back.

Hope you have fun!

~ soulstrings

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now