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There was tension.

The type you feel all the way to the north pole.

Alright, I'm exaggerating a bit, maybe a lot, but that's all I can think when Sawyer is staring at me.

He was in a fighting posture, waiting for me to make a move but my knees were shaking and my arms felt numb. My mouth's dry and I'm thinking stupid stuff. And I might be getting a migraine.

"We're getting old here." a feminine voice spoke out, breaking the really thick awkward air.

I turned around and glared at her, does she really get the mood or situation I am in? Because I'm about to fight my ex-boyfriend and my guardian, who is supposed to be ten times stronger than me, oh and did I mention I'm scared of how he looks right now? Or how his hand on me will feel? No because she's stupid and all I wish was for her to feel a little bit of my pain and keep the comments to herself.

"Blair don't do it." I heard a masculine voice, it was laced with worry.

I scowled and kept thinking of how to make the girl know it was rude to make those type of comments when a girl is about to fight a man.

Maybe she could...

"Blair honey, don't do it."

"Don't tell me what to do!" I snapped and kept glaring at the girl who was now shaking and sweating. Yeah that's how my heart is shaking.

"Baby look at me, please turn around Blair."

I frowned and felt an electric shock run through my spine making me gasp. Slowly I turned around to stare into Sawyers perfect eyes. There was worry and...fear?

Why fear?!

"Sweetie, break the spell." he said in a soothing tone.

"What are you-"

A toe curling scream stopped me mid sentence, I turned around and saw a short girl sprawled on the floor shaking and sweating, her eyes red and skin turning pale. I could start to see the blue of her veins.

"Oh lord! What do I do Sawyer?"

"Stop it."

"Um...how do I do this? Uh, Ostavlyat'?" and it stopped.

The girl looked at me, eyes wide in shock and she ran out of the room.

"Sawyer I want to get out of here."

He nodded. "Lets go to your room."

Oh god what have I've become?


There was a soft knock on the door, barely audible. If it wasn't because it was really quiet and I've been paying attention to everything, I wouldn't have heard it.

The door opened and a head poked inside the room. "Lunch is ready, please head to the table."

Then she was gone and I sighed.

I refused to wear one of those stupid long dresses that looked way to flashy for me, so instead I went with my old pants that Sawyer brought in and a plain black shirt. My hair was in a pony tail and I looked horrid.

With another sigh I walked out of the room and followed the hallway that lead to the dinning room.

Once I arrived I saw everyone was already seated.

When the lady noticed me she smiled brightly. "Come, seat across me honey."

I simply nodded and watched everyone. The lord was at the head of the table, the lady on his right with Anton standing a few steps behind her chair. Henry was next to her with an equal well built man standing behind his chair. Then I saw a man I didn't recognized but I bet its Eden's father because she was seating across from Henry next to her father. Sean was standing right behind her.

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now