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We stared at each other, frowning, more confused than ever. Sawyer had a bewilder look on, ready to attack. Kenneth looked beyond stressed. Me? I'm about to have a heart attack.

"Did I just imagine all that?" I asked as I looked down at my arms and stomach. Just minutes before I had been sliced and a knife had gone through my stomach. Now there was nothing, not a single trace that I had been injured or that any of this had happened.

Sawyer frowned at himself then at me. "I don't know."

"It looked very clear. So real." Kenneth mumbled, staring at the empty space before us. Just where Sawyer had battled.

What's going on? Was this all a dream? I grabbed my dagger, took of my glove and sliced the palm of my hand. I hissed. Fuck its not a dream.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Sawyer took my hand. "You idiot!" then he began to pull me to the restroom, Kenneth right behind us. The idiots pulled me inside the boys restroom locking the door behind us. Hasty Sawyer pulled my hand under the sink and washed away the flowing blood. "Do it fast before it starts bleeding again." he demanded Kenneth. My healer licked the palm of my hand, I felt a weird tingling as he sealed the cut, my palm it's very sensitive. I glanced at Sawyer and he looked away. Disgusted?

"There, and I will love if you stopped getting hurt. Blood isn't that good. Don't believe vampires, they all lie!" Kenneth tried to lighten the already tense mood.

"Vampires? They exist?"

Kenneth laughed. "Of course not silly. The only thing that nears to a vampire are the fairies." he cleared his throat.

"Those are energy suckers. Very dangerous but very beautiful." for some reason his glare made me uneasy.

"Why did you do it?"


"Why did you jumped into the fight? Why?!" Sawyer asked more than furious.

"Uh, I'll wait outside. Guard the door. So you can- yeah." Kenneth left us.

"Why?!" Sawyer grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me.

"Because I wanted to help you! Can you blame me for trying to help my boyfriend from dieing?"

"I wasn't going to die. And my life isn't important!" he shook my again.

"It is to me!"

"It shouldn't! Blair you could've gotten hurt. Get that through your thick head." he seemed incredibly mean when he hit my temple with his middle finger.

"You're my boyfriend, of course it matters! What's wrong with you?"

"No. what's wrong with you jumping in like that!" he shook me again. Its starting to annoy me.

"What type of person do you think I am? I woudnt let you fight alone. Its fucking suicide! If you weren't a hardhead, stubborn, bas-"

Sawyer kissed me hard and fast. Then let go. I stared at him wide eyed. Without another word his pushed me hard against the bathroom's wall, pressing firmly against me. Both of his hands on my hips. His mouth was hard against mine, I gasped at the sudden fierceness of the kiss. He took that as the opportunity to force his tongue inside my mouth. It was all so fast that I couldn't think straight, my brain cells went gooey. The hands on my hips moved upward and his hip pressed against mine, sending shivers down my whole body. All too soon he pulled away. Gasping.

"I-I- shit." he ended and ran a hand through his hair. I took his small fit to steady myself. What was just that? One moment his yelling at me and saying how stupid I was and then next he kisses me like that! Not fair, not at all.

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now