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When we entered the class, it was already full of people.

The woman at the desk told us to hurry.

We sat in the middle, the only spaces free. The girl sitting next to me was eyeing me with an evil glare.

I haven't even said a word and she hates me.

My day is going mighty fine.

"Is it me or people are glaring at us?" I whispered to Sawyer.

"Ignore them." He whispered back.

"Want to make a bet?"

"I don't really think that's a good idea." He eyed me wearily.

"Oh don't be a girl. It's a small bet." I elbowed him.

Sawyer shook his head but smiled.

"Don't call me a girl again." He paused. "Fine what's the bet?"

"See? I knew you'll come around. Most of the school populace will hate me for no good reason."

"I don't think they will. That's illogical, Blair." Sawyer said matter of fact.

"That, bud, is my bet. If I don't do shit and they end up ganging up on me telling me crap, I get to have..." I paused thinking about what I could take away from him. "I take one of your bracelets."

I smiled mischievously.

It was clear this guy liked them, he had quiet a collection on his left hand. Somehow that made him look less of a threat, but hey! I learned not to judge the book by its cover.

"Fine. Only one. If you loose, I'll take..." He seemed deep in thought. "I'll take your right glove."

In fact I was only wearing a fingerless glove on my left hand. I don't know why but I liked it. With that hand I tent to punch harder. Even though most of the time I use my right.

"Deal." We shook hands. "Just to have a head start. The jocks already hate me and the girl next to me is glaring daggers...looks like I'll be winning."

"Those are only a few, you said most of the school. We'll see." Sawyer smirked.

The slut of a teacher we have came to our desks.

"New students? Introduce yourselves." She barked.

Weird slut.

"I'm Sawyer Nightly, all you need to know." He sat down, I clearly saw how most of the girls sighed.

He made quiet an impression, I'll bug him about it.

"Blair McAllister." I sat down and the girls glared.

I smirked at Sawyer and he shook his head.

The bell for second period rang and we headed to our lockers.

History was next and we took out the things needed.

We found out Pierce had that class with us.

The teacher was a bald, fat and huge professor. He looked quiet intimidating. Right away you could tell he's a perv, all he did was stare at the girls ass.


We took seats up front this time. The back was taken by the jocks.

I'm already hating this school.

The guys and I took a seat on the front of the class, it can't be that bad can it?

"I hate history!" Pierce groaned.

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora