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We are currently seating in the English classroom. Everyone is talking our slut of a teacher is currently flirting with an idiot. I mean she might not be that old but hey! Dating a teacher is wrong and gross.

"Hey Nightly." I called to Sawyer, for the first time using his last name.

"What's wrong?" he said a bit alarmed.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down boy, not every time I call you will be because I'm in danger." I rolled my eyes.

He nodded then looked at my hand in his shoulder. I immediately moved it away, somewhat embarrassed.

"Remember how I told you people hated me without reason? Well now I think they have one, or at least the girls do."

He looked at me confused. "They do?"

"Yeah. They're mad because I'm spending too much time with you and Pierce, you guys are the new hot stuff here." I rolled my eyes.

"And you're not?"

"Well I mean." I paused and frowned. "The girl next to me still hates me for taking your eyes off her."

"She doesn't-"

"She likes you. Half of the girls here do. I mean who wouldn't? You're sexy." my eyes widened and my cheeks got pink from embarrassment.

"You think I'm sexy?" and god help me he's smirking.

"I well no..." he raised an eyebrow. "Well you are but, ugh don't look at me like that! What I meant was that the girls want to be all over you."

He chuckled. "I'm not interested."

"You're not? I mean you're supposed to protect me and all but you can have a girlfriend."

"If I wanted to have one I would. But that's not what I'm here for, I'm not interested in dating. Its just a waste of time."

"Well you should tell her that, because if looks could kill." I shuddered. "And I'm getting a bunch."

"Really? From who?" he said playfully.

This guy needs to settle in for a mood, I'm serious.

"Like her, and her." like that I pointed to most of the girls who looked at him dreamily.

"Well for the record one guy is staring at you." he pointed at a certain boy at the corner. He doesn't look that bad.

"No he wouldn't." I shook my head.

"Why not? You're beautiful. Plus even though Lance was an idiot he liked you."

He thinks I'm beautiful? Not that I care...

"Whatever. I still say its more hate than love."

"I like how you're so optimistic."

"That goes for you too boy." I looked straight ahead and noticed how a girl was walking straight towards us. "Oh this is going to be fun."

"What are you-"

"Hello!" she shrieked. "I'm Stacy."

"Sawyer." he nodded.

She sighed. "Do you happen to be open tonight?"

I know if Pierce was here he'll come up with a pervert remark.

"I already have plans." Sawyer said flatly.

"With who? Her?" she pointed a nasty finger at me.

"Exactly. Now if you'll excuse us we need some things to talk about." he said in a dismissive tone. He looked so mean and rude just then.

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now