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Its lunch time and everyone stared at our table. I haven't seen Lance and that's weird.

I shrugged that off and concentrated on my training. Either I beat their asses or they beat mine.

"What's worrying you?" Sawyer startled me.

"Just thinking how I'm going to beat you. A punch on the face? A kick on the stomach? I'm undecided." I smiled.

Sawyer rolled his eyes.

"Baby I wouldn't mind getting rough with you on training." Pierce winked and took a sip of his juice.

"I'll make sure to train hard so next time I can shut your mouth." I smiled wickedly at him.

"Oh I would love you to close your mouth on something." he wiggled his eyebrows and I made a disgusted face.

"You guys are so bloody. Just remember not to get too gross, I'm the one who licks it clean. Believe it or not its sort of nasty." Kenneth wrinkled his nose.

"Don't worry Kenneth, I'll keep it clean." I patted his back.

"Ah baby I hope you don't."

I smacked the back of Pierce's head.

"Kids." Sean shook his head.

"Hey!-Oh." I said as Lace kissed my cheek.

"Want to seat with me?" he pointed to the table.

People glared. "Uh I don't think that's a good idea. You can join us. The guys wont mind, right?"

"Not at all." Sawyer put up the 'you hurt her, you're dead' face.

Lance gave me an uneasy smile but nodded and sat down next to me. "So what's up with this training thing?"

"Just the usual. If she gets in a tight spot, BAM! She beats the guys ass like this!" Pierce snapped his fingers and smiled evilly at me.

Trying to scare my guy?

"All you need to know is that if she says stop, it means stop." then Sean stretched his hand and Lance took it. "I'm Sean."

I saw how Lance flinched and I stopped myself from laughing at their childish behavior.

"Stop it guys." I rolled my eyes.

"He needs to know what he's up against if he messes with our family." Sawyer said in a low voice.

Lance stared at the guys wide eyed. At the moment the only one who looked threatening is Sean. Pierce looks like he'll cast a spell on you... his stare was creepy. Sawyer kept staring at Lance without blinking.

These people surely don't try to fit in.

"Calm down guys you are scaring him." Kenneth rolled his eyes. "Trying to act all tough, with one order I can have you bowing your head and agreeing in everything."

Pierce laughed. Sean coughed a 'Yeah right' and Sawyer shook his head.

I need to make the guy more social. He honestly looks like a creep.

"What are they talking about?" Lance whispered.
"I don't know. But I've confirmed it...they are on drugs." I said as seriously as I could.


I shrugged. "Just look at them, the are acting stupid just now."

"Got a point. So when can we hang out?" he placed his arm around my waist.

"Uh why don't you come to my place one of these days? Watch a movie or something." I suggested.

"That'll be interesting." he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now