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When will they stop bothering me?

Cant they get a life?

All my things are now on the floor.

Well the reason is here:

As I was walking to my locker a jock passed by and hit my shoulder, making everything in my hands fall.

Also making everyone laugh at me.

I'm not very welcomed here. New comers are never welcomed.

My foster parents, their son and I had to move because Emmanuel (my foster father) got a better job here.

So now I'm stuck.

I never really had a friend so that doesn't hurt as much, but at least over there everyone was to stay away from me.

Here I get bullied.

Sort of.

And its getting on my nerves.

Just pick it up, Blair.

I speak in my head...even weirder.

When I finished putting my stuff in the locker I practically ran to my car and drove away.

I didn't turned the radio.

I prefer quiet, makes me know when someone is approaching.

Again that's strange.

But I feel like I should always be alert if anything where to happen--

A man stood in the middle of the road. His clothes all ripped and ... was that blood?!

Why isn't he getting out of the way?

I'm going at 100 miles per hour and I don't think I can manage to stop in time...

I hit the break all down and maneuvered the car so I wouldn't hit the man.

I sigh of relieve escaped my lips.

And this is why you don't go speeding off like that...

Shut it, I snapped to the voice in my head.

Turned of the car. Got out. Walked to the man who was standing as still as a statue.

"What the hell are you thinking? Do you have a death wish? Seriously! You almost gave me a heart attack! You cant just stand in the middle of the road like that, I could have killed you. Damn it, I could have gone to jail! Are you insane?"

I was yelling at the top of my lungs.

And got no emotion what so ever from him.

"Are you suicidal?! You wanted me to kill you?!"

The man started laughing.

"Did I say something funny?!"

He kept laughing.

So frustrating!

"You know what? Since I didn't hurt you in any way possible I'll just leave you here so you can die alone."

When I started stalking away a pair of hands grabbed onto me, holding me still.

"What the hell?! Let go off me now!"

The man turned me around so I was now facing him.

He looks younger than I expected. Maybe my age, I am seventeen.

And was he perfect?

If I weren't in this situation I would be drooling right now.

But since I am...

Maybe Being Held Captive... [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now