This is me trying

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A/N: I sometimes feel so stupid and like I can't do anything right, like for the past two hours I have to finish my art project and I've restarted it 5 times already but I always find a way to mess it up. I was supposed to hand it in by today but because of quarantine I can't but today is my favourite day all subjects I like expect for arts, also I'm in love with the grumpy x sunshine trope (the love hypothesis js) so that's what you'll get no receipts. Anyways I hope you will like this chapter see you at the end <3
Flashbacks in bold ;)

"Wow Lessy your room is uhm-" you look around the room, goosebumps forming on your skin as you start to shiver.
"Beautiful,amazing gorgeous?"
"Cold really really cold... and I thought hot people prefer it warm in their rooms I must've been wrong." You walk around the room checking every detail.
"Also its really dusty do you even clean the bookshelves- and before I forget to ask where is my bed?"
"I only do not clean the bookshelves because I stopped reading and you will have to share a bed with me but we've already done this before so it won't be awkward right?" You love how she starts rambling when she's around you with everyone else she's always the super serious dean of the school for evil who's not scared to out children into the doom room.
"I will have to clean the bookshelves then, because I brought my books and I really need to escape reality from time to time also it's fine I remember how we used to share beds because I couldn't sleep, I was plagued by nightmares and because we were roommates you had to comfort me I was your soft spot." You laugh at her because the dean of evil doesn't have "soft spots."
"Don't remind me of these times I used to be so naïve and stupid."
"You helped me find out who my parents are so you weren't that stupid you just had and still have a high ego."
"Excuse me- I have a question." She tries to keep calm next to you.
"Shoot." You smile wildly.
"You never told me what nightmares plagued you all that time ago would you tell me now."
"I- of course." You sit down on the bed and tap the seat next to you.
"Is it that shocking that I have to sit down?"
"No.. maybe but we will probably be here a while ... I was 13 and you were 14 it was the second day of school..."

It was the second day at the school for evil for both Leonora and Y/N they were roommates 😏. (Also it's not told from a you perspective see me as the storian hahah)
Leonora always had a sweet spot for Y/N and we all know it but there was a time before that...
After the welcoming ceremony and dinner Leonora and Y/N went to bed because the day was exhausting seeing all those snobby princesses and their weirdo princes it was rather a snore fest.
"Leonora do you want to borrow some of my books. I see that you traveled with almost nothing not even enough clothes to get you through this school year."
"Urgh you are an Ever like them don't try to talk to me or I will break the high rule that killing isn't allowed until graduation and I will do it gladly." Leonora didn't mean anything she had said but little Y/N didn't know that.
She just nods switched into her nightgown and goes to sleep.
It was quiet for 30 minutes both of the girls had went to bed, when a scream filled the small bedroom.
And cry's... Y/N's cry's.
"Urgh you little princes- why are you crying?"
Y/N didn't utter a word she just sat up right in her bed looking at her knees crying,sweating,terrified.
She didn't even notice that the redhead had left her bed to come look at the scared little 13 year old.
She sits down next to Y/N.
"I can't believe that I'm really saying this but would you want to sleep in my bed, I know these night terrors and I know that you don't want to be alone when you have these so come on." Y/N nodded and took Leonoras hand to stand up with shaky legs still in shock.
What Leonora doesn't know is what Y/N had dreamt of.
We all remember those dreams when you have the feeling where your falling to the ground, when you feel like you die?
Yes of course we all had those I hope.
Y/N had more "visions" she didn't understand why at the time but she had a feeling that she was in hell, she saw spirits entering a gate and screaming. A lot of screaming, on that specific day she saw a familiar face entering that gate, a boy from her village he had accused her of witch craft she was almost killed...
But Y/N still felt empathy she wanted to get him out of there safe him.
This was 10 years ago...

"You wanted to save a boy that tried to kill you, what is it with you and people? You can't speak with them,can't hold eye contact but you still don't want them to get Karma you're so strange." She chuckles a little with rather curious expression on her face.
"I was young I don't have these visions anymore and I never had a night terror again after I graduated of course and If I have one again I will have you right next to me." You boop her nose knowing that she hates it.
Lessos ears begin to take the shade of her hair so she quickly pushes her hair over her ears so you couldn't see.
"Atleast you brought clothes this time and don't have to yell at me for offering ." You grin at her
"You are purely evil how could I have doubted you for one second my dear." Lesso answers.
"I missed you too Leonora Lesso the dean of the school for evil." You pull her into a hug and she doesn't flinch or pull away instead she puts her arms around your waist and pulls you even closer.
"Well- uhm I should start unpacking then.." you let go of her grasp and stand up from the bed to order your stuff.
Blushing like an idiot.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do writing it I know it's not the best Lesso fanfic because I've read better ones.
I will write the next chapter right after this so that you all don't have to wait to long.
And I'm pretty self conscious about my writing hahha.
Love lia <3

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