Picture to burn

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A/N: I'm listening to the SIX soundtrack right now meaning I'm back in my writing zone. Prepare for a lot of dialogues cause thats all my head can handle right now.

It was still the same, classes start tomorrow and you can already hear kids arguing.
You decided to stay in your room reading and resting till its dinner time thats when someone knocks on the door.
"May I come in Y/N?" It was Lesso.
"Lesso its your room so yes."
"Y/N talk to me right now I can see your mad." You are slowly getting furious.
"I'm not mad Lesso."you start to smell smoke.
"OH SHIT."  A picture of you and Lesso had caught on fire.
"Since when can you light stuff on fire?" She looks at you impressed.
You ignore her still looking at the picture.
"I'm sorry Lesso." You use your finger glow to repair the picture.
"Don't even worry but I have some questions." You had totally forgotten why you were mad at Lesso so you just nodded.
"You said you were traveling, were you traveling alone?" You gulp unsure about what to answer.
"At first I was traveling with someone but they tricked me they left me in Spain so I went alone on the last trips,is that all?"
"First of all how can you be so calm when someone tricks you second no there's another thing ms. Sinclair asked me to ask you If you are single." Lesso really hated Harper you could feel it she usually  uses peoples first name only when she hates them she uses their Suriname.
"Well I'm that calm because I tricked them first some might say I "seduced" them and I'm single always been and probably always will."
Lesso comes closer to you to give you a pat on the head.
"I'm so proud of you dear, a true Never and I wouldn't be so sure about the single part I've heard a lot of man are trying to steal you away from me I just feel sorry for ms. Sinclair."
"Lesso do you want to ask me something else?"
"Erm- no do you?."
"Do you really think I'm straight after I literally admitted that I had a crush on you."
"Are you not straight?"
You look at her with shock and disbelief.
You step closer to her and stand on your tiptoes to be on the same height as her.
"Leonora Lesso I'm a lesbian always was and always will be." You step away from her but Lessos blush doesn't go by unnoticed.
"I thought you were kidding about the crush thing."
"I was 14 obsessed with fictional women who could kill me of course I fell for you-" you immediately regretted saying that turning to the door going to leave again.
<great Y/N running away from your problems won't solve them but I can't relive the heartbreak not again .> You're making your way to the Evers castle you are allowed to use the garden for your afternoon reading.
That's when you spot someone sitting in your spot.
Harper. Fantastic.
"Hi Harper sorry to bother but this is usually my reading spot." She looks down and stands up leaving you your seat.
"Thank you you can still sit down here you don't have to stand." You pat the spot and she sits down clearly nervous and a blushing mess.
"How are things at the Never castle?"
"Boring as hell I wanted to read and Lesso came into my room bombarding me with questions about my personal life." You didn't want to say her or our room it felt wrong.
"That was my fault I told her to ask If you were single."
"I know she told me and yes I am always been and always will be." You laugh at the women.
"What book are you reading?" Harper was in the small talk thing definitely better than Leonora.
"Anne Elliot." Wow a Jane Austen fan.
You both continued reading your book in silence enjoying each other's company.
Little did you both know you were watched by the grumpy redhead herself.
Suddenly a dozen black ravens flew over the garden one landing on your shoulder.
You look around the garden looking for the responsible one, Lesso.
You stand up furious.
"I was reading don't ever interrupt my reading next time you will have to learn to live with one hand." Lesso actually looked scared for a second.
"You really are a true never."
"Oh shut up." you ram the book into her stomach not painful of course. (girl boss move I love Lesso but whoooohoooo)
"Y/N I'm sorry."
"You say you're sorry a lot ,I remember the first time nothing has changed you say you're sorry and still continue to hurt me." Maybe you were overreacting or overwhelmed but you had all these emotions in you that had to get out right this second.
Child of Hades don't forget that.
"Just try saying sorry and actually meaning it for once."
"SHIT." She exclaims.

A/N: besties you know me I have to bring in some angst but It will get better after this chapter I swear
Love lia <3
Also this close on dyeing my hair again.

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