The last great american dynasty

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A/N: I cleaned my room the whole day and I'm exhausted.
I'm really sorry for all the spiders that died today.
Anyways moving on have fun with this chapter.

The first school day:

"Come on Leonora you must be excited you can torture new kids." You were exited but Lesso not so much, she hated first days of school as long as she can remember.
"Y/L/N today is no "happy" day get your grip together and stay serious for once I'm not even sure you can do that." You were caught off guard by her aggressive words and just nod. Lesso wanted to take it back immediately-
"Harper hey over here." You had walked away from Lesso not ready for an argument with her at this time of the day, when you see a very confused Harper.
"Y/N darling would you mind showing me the way to the hall I think I got lost again." She laughs awkwardly.
You thought for a second you wanted to walk with Lesso but she obviously didn't want you around right now so you agree.
Taking her wrist you walk with her to the hall to meet new students. Leaving a big grumpy redhead behind.
"Would it be to much to ask you to sit next to me I just don't know anyone but you and you seem like really nice." She blushed at her own words not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"Of course no worries I'm also new to the school so I know how it feels. And we are here." You let go of her wrist.
"I hopefully memorized it now." She laughs when you take your seat next to her at the teacher table.
Dovey and Lesso are doing their entrance.
Lesso's mood hasn't changed at all, poor students who have to live with that today.
If you could only see what she was think- you can.
But wouldn't that be invading her privacy?
But maybe she was pissed at you and you don't know what you did wrong.
So it's settled you wait for Leonora to take her eyes away from Dovey to look at you.
Wow. Leonoras mind is really impressive, so much thoughts oh she's an overthinker should've guessed that.
<There she is again with that little mocking bird I just wish she was gay.> you loose control of her mind because Leonora breaks eye contact.
Does she really think I'm not into women? I mean I was never in a relationship but that doesn't mean urgh.
Is Leonora Lesso the dean of the school for evil jealous?
Oh you will never let her forget. Oh shit you can't tell her you've read her mind she will never trust you again.
So you decide to let it slide its not like Leonora had a crush on you she was just jealous that you were spending time with a 'useless Ever' rather than spending time with her.
Finally the snore fest ended and everyone was on their way to find their dorm.
"Wow I didn't think Evers could be that boring." You hear Harper chuckling next to you.
"When I went to school and they threw roses I always got one because they thought they could mess with me. And then I set a stink bomb free in their room."
"Please don't stink bomb my room I beg you." Harper is blocking her arms in front of her face.
You couldn't hold in your laughter anymore, which obviously caught the attention of Lady Lesso in blood and flesh.
"What is so funny dear?" She towers over you.
"Sinclair and I were talking about the time I set a stink bomb free in the Princes dorm."
"Oh yeah I miss these times." Leonora was way more relaxed than before. It's still odd she never tries to do small talk with anyone and now she was interested in everything you said.
"Wait you and Lady Lesso went to school at the same time?" Harper looked between you and Lesso clearly shocked.
"Yes we were roommates back then and we didn't get along at first but yeah-"
"But yeah?"
"Oh shut up Leonora."
"I didn't say anything dear."
"You know what I'm really exhausted I will just get myself a cup of tea and finally start reading." You stand up and wave goodbye to Harper with Lesso close behind you.
"Y/N I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier i shouldn't have let my frustration out on you."
"I'm not mad." You said walking faster wanting to get away from her.
"Of course you are I can read you better than anyone can."
"Maybe you can't." You walked away from her into the Never castle. Lesso didn't want to run after you If you wanted to talk to her you would.

"I have a question Lady Lesso?" Lesso quickly turned around when she heard Harper behind her.
"What is it?"
"Is Y/N seeing anyone?" Lesso didn't know what to answer to that, so she took a few seconds to think.
"I'm not sure she hasn't mentioned a partner to me. But I will ask her when I see her." Lesso gave Harper her fakest smile and then walked away.

Lesso was now also wondering If you have a partner and If you have if he's ready to fight.

A/N: I'm so sorry If my writing doesn't make sense to anyone, it makes sense in my head.
Also the last sentence is my mindset tbh.

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