High infidelity

439 33 11

A/N: I'm back, I hope you had amazing holidays
Also, I might add that the headmaster is still 'Rafal' just for the story's sake.

Lesso's POV (I promise it's not sad, not this time):

"Come on, dear, we have to go, everyone is waiting." I called upstairs waiting for my fiancée to finally come down and join me for the meeting even though she hated them, she still had to join.
"Give me two seconds and I will be there!" And 2 seconds later, Y/N had made her way downstairs, giving me a quick peck on the cheek and taking my hand.
When we arrived, everyone was already seated and Y/N took her seat next to mine.
Rhian started explaining how everything has to go smoothly tonight (the ball didn't happen yet) not wanting any accidents otherwise there will only be an Ever ball from now on.

I looked around the room my eyes landing on Y/N again her fingers drummed rhythmically on the table while her knee bobbed up and down beneath it, she clearly felt uncomfortable right now, she didn't look at me, she was too focused on the table, so I took her hand in mine stroking it under the table hoping that would calm her down even for just a few seconds.
Now she finally looked at me and a small smile formed on her lips and she mouthed a 'thank you.'.
I caught Harper eyeing us up and down, trying to figure out if something had happened.
Her knees were still shaking underneath the table, but she always does that.
"Well thanks to you for coming here under such short notice, I hope you found your date for the Ever and Never ball yet, and there is a rule that NO students allowed as your dates that goes against our moral." Rhian said with a smile and great gestures, so me and Y/N made our leave back to my no OUR dorm.
when I opened the door to it Y/N quickly pulled me into a hug I usually hate hugs, but she's different, she is allowed to hug me no matter how much I hate it.

"Je te déteste how can a person as beautiful as you love someone like me, you deserve someone better." I looked at her shocked I know she doesn't mean that she hates me for real, but she's feeling like she doesn't deserve me which isn't true, obviously she deserves the whole world, and she needs to know that.
"Mon amour you deserve the whole world I'm just a protégé in your story I don't deserve you, in any case you are way too amazing!" I usually don't say stuff like that, I just had to get it off my chest.
"Ma beauté I love you so much, please don't ever feel like you are not good enough for me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. » Y/N admits. I hate nicknames, but this one makes me weak on my knees, urgh how can one person have so much control over me.
"Looks like I'm not the only one whose knees are giving in." Y/N laughs and her laugh is the purest thing in this cruel world, our quiet moment was interrupted by some nevers arguing.
I lean down to my love and whisper:"Excuse me, I have to go make a scene, I love you." I said goodbye by giving her a quick kiss.
Y/N was quick to answer me:" horrible decision, really also don't forget killing students is strictly against the rules no matter how annoying they are." These women I swear to the gay Jesus's (yes there are more than one including me)

Lesso's POV end also time skip:

"Come on, Y/N it was a joke." She looks at you.
"Well, you and your career as a comedian can both sleep on the couch tonight." You answered quickly, not making eye contact with Nora.
"Come on, you can't be serious."
"Leonora Lesso I'm serious, don't ever accuse me of kidding in such a serious situation." You quickly explain.
"I think I can convince you." She moved closer to you trying to kiss you but in the last second you tilt your head, and she kisses the air, almost stumbling over her own feet.
"Oh come on." You point to the couch, and she walks over to it, settling down on it.
"May both sides of your pillow be warm!" You say climbing into bed immediately falling asleep once in your life.
But the peace wouldn't last you quickly shot up, you may or may not have forgotten about the night terrors.
To your surprise Lesso didn't wake up usually she does, you didn't want to wake her so you stood up walking to the bathroom splashing some cold water onto your face.
When you went to go back into bed, someone already was in it.
"You son of a bitch!" You exclaim, seeing the grumpy redhead grinning at you.
"Come on, you didn't expect I would let you sleep alone with your night terrors." You roll your eyes, making your way over to the bed when you feel two strong arms pulling you closer immediately.
You couldn't stay mad at her, no matter what she did.

A/N: yes the chapter is short to get over yourself, I needed to put some comfort into the super angsty fic.
Love lia

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