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A/N: I hope you all had/are having a wonderful day. Also I'm really leaving my comfort zone writing this.

You had finally unpacked all of your books and clothes.
"A never with the taste of an Ever how intriguing." You hear Lesso saying still on the edge of the bed.
"You wound me Leonora we both know I'm evil and chaos in person." You laugh at the redhead.
"Yes yes of course I forgot princess, we should head to dinner you took far longer unpacking than I'd have thought." You nod,you weren't really hungry but you can just steal a slice of bread for bad times.
While you were walking you had this weird feeling that Lesso wanted to say something but she didn't.
It was silent.
Not an awkward silence just silence...
Until you got to the hall when you saw the other teachers Dovey,Anemone,Uma,Yuba,Pollux,Manley,Caster and the others haven't arrived yet.
You take the seat next to to Dovey because you know she has a lot of questions and you were ready to answer all of them.
That's when you hear a door busting open.
"Sorry I'm late to dinner I just got los-" A women in her twenties with pitch black hair that reached to the bottom of her elbows locked eyes with you.
"I erm I got lost in the garden." She sits down next to you.
"I'm Harper, Harper Sinclair I'm kind of a substitute teacher here I'm new." Weird it was like she only introduced herself to you maybe the others already knew her.
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N I teach uglification at the school for evil you must've met the other teachers already." You could feel eyes burning into your head.
"You teaching ugly uglification unbelievable your so beautiful." Harper said not knowing a certain redhead heard it and was throwing daggers at her. IN HER HEAD ofc.
"Well I was born a never so it only makes sense I teach at the school for evil." You managed to avoid her comment. Harper still looking at you there was an awkward silence.
"Clarissa do you mind if I leave early today was exhausting." Lesso said looking into your eyes, you giggled knowing that "exhausting" means lets get out of this snore fest those people are such Evers.
"Yes Dovey,Lesso is right one time,today I had so much unpacking to do I better head to bed." You stand up from your seat walking out of the hall with Lesso following you.
"What do you think of the new teacher?" Wow is Lady Lesso trying to do small talk? I'm shocked.
"She seemed nice I think me and her will become good friends she has a good aura and stuff she's probably a virgo."
"Y/N this women was obviously flirting with you are you that oblivious?" Her tone got angry sending a shiver down your spine.
"Lesso don't be ridiculous no one would ever flirt with me I mean especially not when the literal princesses are sitting next to me, you probably misinterpreted the conversation she was just trying to do small talk."
Lesso was again trying to say something but couldn't... either because it was inappropriate or rude or both.
You had finally arrived in your/her room.
"I will get ready for bed first is that ok?" You look at Lesso awaiting her answer
"Of course I will have to rush to my office real quick anyways." And one second after she had finished that sentence she was gone.
You shrugged and got ready for bed.
By the time you were done Lesso was in the room again clearly waiting for you.
"Sorry that it took longer than expected."
"No worries I just got back 2 minutes ago." She walked past you into the bathroom.
You didn't feel like reading today so you just got comfortable in bed waiting for Leonora.
By the time she got out you were almost sleeping.
"Are you asleep?" She laughs. Oh how you missed that laugh
"I wasn't sleeping my mind was awake." You protest against her mockery.
She also gets comfortable in bed thats when it hit you, you and Lesso will be sharing a bed for the rest of the school year and you had lied to her and she will find out soon.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Nothing will happen.
"Good night Lessy." You give her a quick kiss on the cheek without even thinking it was a weird thing to do. But Lesso, Oh Lesso you left her in lost of words.
<has she seriously already fallen asleep the little witch> lesso thought.
In a few minutes you both had drifted of to sleep.
But not for long.
It was like the second day again.
The tears, the fear, the shock.
"Y/N what's wrong?"
"I lied." You cried burying your face in your hands.
"The night terrors never left have they now?" You shook your head.
"Why did you lie?"
No answer.
"Y/N answer me."
No answer.
"Y/N Y/L/N you wicked girl you better answer me or I will get really mad and you don't want that do you?"
"I lied because I know how much y-y-ou care about me I didn't want you to worry about me, yes the nightmares never stopped and they probably never will I just couldn't bring my burden onto your shoulders again."
"Y/N Y/L/N YOU ARE NO FUCKING BURDEN, do you understand that?" You nod.
"What happened this time? Take your time dear!"
"I saw someone running through a forest in a village but it wasn't in the future it was in the past... she looked scared she had scratches all over her face she looked like she was 14 or 15 maybe, she kept yelling 'help' and I couldn't. And then she was grabbed by a bird made of bones like the school for good has that transports readers..."
Lesso didn't look at you.
"That person looked so familiar...- you take a look at Lesso and then gasp-... that was you... the reader that was you."
"So you dreamed of me." It's funny how quickly her voice can change from concerned mother to cocky whore.
"Aw shut up." You hit her arm.
"No you dreamed of me, don't tell me you had a crush on me?" Lesso was trying to distract you from your dream and it was working.
"maybe... but that was a long time ago." You mumble the last part under your breath but she still heard it.
"Oh so you did have a crush on me..." she took the hands that were still covering your face and took a tissue and handed it to you.
"You might need that we don't want the others to think I made you cry even even though I kind of did." She shrugs.
"Huh always the comedic genius why aren't you like this with the others?"
"Because you're the only one who deserves my attention." Now it was her turn to boop your nose.
"We should go to sleep Lessy."
"Are you sure?" There it was, her concerned mother tone.
"Maybe you could comfort me." You rolled your eyes.
She pulled you close to her.
You were leaning against her chest with her head on top of yours.
Peace finally.

A/N: eww I didn't know I could be that cheesy- weird.
It's also weird how I can write 1,3 k words in under 30 minutes. Really proud of myself here.
Bye guys love you <3

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