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A/N: I'm gonna bother you again with maths because you all are clearly invested in what grade I got.
I failed but we will rewrite the test I had 6/27 points and I studied for 4 weeks. And a "friend" who always disturbed in class and always says 'huh' got a C and I think thats unfair. Nevermind I'm happy for her. Nope.
Also I had two panic attacks in maths today and my teacher talked with me after class was dismissed not to ask If I was ok no.
She said and I quote:" you're really shy I should move you to the front of the classroom." Dude I have social anxiety moving seats won't help that. Also I just don't like talking to you I love arguing with my history teacher. Anyways moving on.
Also TW: panic attacks

That's how it should have went... but Y/N didn't have the courage to tell Lesso why she was mad and Lesso kept her mouth shut she had figured out the plan of Harper but If Harper was Y/N's happy ending she wouldn't stay in the way of it.
Eventually they just acted like nothing had happened and no one was mad at the other any longer.
But Lesso still wanted to cut open Harper's throat every time she looked you with a flirty look.
Of course Lesso didn't know that Y/N had love struggles to she is in love with her best friend and a random person keeps hitting on her.
Y/N doesn't see Harper as a friend and Harper obviously only saw her as a romantic interest.
One day Y/N had enough of Harper and after breakfast she pulled Harper out of the hall to tell her the truth.
"Harper darling, I know you have been trying to get my attention,flirted with me tried to indicate physical touch but I don't like you the way you like me and I'm terribly sorry but I don't want you to miss interpret our friendship."
"It's her isn't it has always been her!?" She answered clearly upset.
"Who?" You look at her confused
"Lady Lesso the women who is trying to get into your pants every second of the day, Lady Lesso the one who gives me death glares anytime I look at you and I really thought you liked me."
Wow. Leonora didn't like you back she could never cause she's a Never.
"Leonora is my best friend she gives you death glares because she is protective not because she wants to "get into my pants" grow up."
"You're really that oblivious that women is clearly in love with you, you are just blind that's it I'm done trying and good luck with her."
"Yeah tell yourself that until it comes true you know what go fuck your self ." Harper walks away clearly upset you didn't do anything wrong you told her the truth but it still hurts you didn't even realize that you were crying at first only when the hot tears were running down your cheeks.
Are you dying? ( also this is only a description of MY panic attacks)
You're heartbeat is getting faster and you couldn't breath properly anymore you sat down in a corner trying to slow down your heart.
Everything was spinning you couldn't focus, why was this happening now you usually don't react like this.
You felt someone's presence of course she was here to see you suffer.
"Y/N what's wrong what happened?" You couldn't answer her you wanted to but it didn't work it was like you lost control of your own body.
(Am I describing how I feel? Yes. Panic attacks can come in very different ways don't forget that.)
You saw that Lesso sat down next to you.
"You wanna know something fun? The Nevers started a food fight and one of the Evers accidentally hit dovey with piece of cake."
You chuckle.
"Theres that beautiful laugh,also I may have used Dovey as a shield it was so Evil of me you should've been there Dovey was furious."
"I-I can imagine." Lesso looked at you and dried the tears that had ran down your face.
"Do you want to talk or hug?"
"Hug." Lesso gives the best hugs you swear on it she's just not a big hugger she only hugs you when you were really sad and you will let her she's the only person with Dovey that is allowed to hug you because you feel uncomfortable with everyone else it doesn't really makes sense to you but Lesso had always been special.
"You will find out anyway so I will tell you... I told Harper I'm not interested in her and she went furious and told me that you were in love with me and stuff which is obviously not true and then she screamed at me I never felt like I just felt." You started rambling
"Well what you had is a panic attack it's "normal" a lot of people have them but they can come in very different way you know how you always shake or shiver when you have to do something stressful thats also kind of a panic attack and to the Harper part she's not wrong I love you."
"You mean you love me as a friend?" You look at the floor.
"No." She takes your chin in her hand to make you look at her.
"Uh-"you gulp.
"Can I kiss you?" You just nod and the kiss is passionate like she had waited her whole life for it which she did.
You pull away to breath.
"I may like you too." You giggle like a teenager. And she plasters kisses all over your face.
This time it was reality Lesso's reality her wish it became true. But this is not the ending its the beginning of a relationship with a lot of obstacles for example the Never and Ever ball this year would they go together?
You will have to find out soon ;)

A/N: i just realised that it sounds like the ending of the story but it isn't I swear.

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