VI - Fortunately

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The sound of screaming was heard. Paintbrush knew who the scream came from almost immediately. "Microphone...I can't believe she bit the dust", they said, a little upset. Pickle also looked shocked, considering Microphone was almost as powerful as him when he would get on top of Knife (a/n if you know what I mean *wink wink*).

However, almost immediately after, a gunshot sound was heard. The sound concerned the three awake survivors as the sound came from outside of the room they were stuck in. 

"What the hell was that?", Knife asked, concerned that the noise was Suitcase messing around with one of his spare weapons that he kept in Pickle's room secretly. Pickle also looked concerned, considering he knew of Knife's secret weapons.

Knife didn't know that Pickle knew, by the way.

Anyways, Pickle carefully opened the door and saw...


Nickel was alive! He somehow managed to survive the invasion, considering that almost everyone was murdered by the sudden attack from Suitcase, Yang, and Soap. He ran up to him and told him to get inside.

Nickel walked in side, shocked, considering that he then said, "I just found Balloon's body ripping off Taco's shell". Everyone felt bad for him, every single person who was awake felt bad for Nickel.

Nickel had found Suitcase upstairs and shot her, before running back downstairs.


OJ was asleep and was having an odd dream...or nightmare, he couldn't tell. He saw certain events that he hadn't seen before.

He saw Microphone kill Taco.

He saw Taco, Microphone, Cheesy, Yang, and Suitcase walk away from the tree house. He then also saw Nickel and Soap run towards Yin, who screamed as he ran, alerting everyone but Suitcase, who walked into the hotel.

He also remembered the dead bodies that he saw in the hotel after Suitcase left the building. Nickel was one of the dead bodies.

He then suddenly woke up, shocking everyone. Almost everyone was happy that he was up, but he screamed, seeing Nickel standing very close to Pickle's right arm.


OJ grabbed a nearby gun that the group had grabbed when they had access to the living room. He then shot Nickel three times, twice in the forehead and once below the mouth, sending him to the floor, dead.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT-", Pickle asked, OJ then responded, "He got infected! Don't you remember seeing him after Suitcase left the building? His body was on the floor! He was dead already". "Oh really? Then how come-"


Nickel got back up, Pickle moved away and ran towards the group as Nickel slowly limped towards them, it seemed that the gunshots made him weaker.

Knife simply jumped over Nickel, with Pickle behind him. Because of Nickel's lack of arms, he had trouble reaching the two, who easily jumped over him. OJ and Paintbrush on the other hand, couldn't jump that high, meaning that they were stuck in the corner while Knife and Pickle could only watch, as they were weaponless.


OJ grabbed the gun and shot him more, which put him down. Paintbrush was grabbing for an axe that had dropped from the window, which would've sprayed blood all over the room. Paintbrush and OJ used the opportunity to run out of the room and block the door from the outside, preventing Nickel from escaping.

"Thank god we got out of that situation", Pickle said, before turning around and seeing Yin block the door while Taco, Yang, Microphone, Soap, and Cheesy clawed at it, trying their hardest to get in.

Pickle and Knife quickly ran to Yin's aid. Yin was standing next to OJ's Office Door.


Something was waiting for them at the stairs...

And inside of OJ's Office...

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