XII - Luck Run Out

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After a day or two of waiting, with food and water still in a large supply, MePhone4 arrived with a helicopter, making everyone happy, considering they could leave the area and be safe.

However, there were two issues:

1 - Baseball, Dough, Salt, Pepper, and Bomb were missing

2 - The helicopter could only fit 5 people

Baseball was making his way up the stairs with Salt and Pepper, having fought off any infected they saw, which weren't many, considering OJ's group had killed almost all of the infected once they became infected.

Dough and Bomb were dying of starvation in the forest.

Clover, accepting that everyone else should get to go because she was already lucky, started backing up towards the roof door, just as Baseball opened the door. The impact sent Clover forwards and right into one of the helicopter's tires.

Clover's general body was sent everywhere, turning into confetti. Her arms and legs flying into different loactions. The three newcomers felt terrible for what had happened to Clover and apologized to all of them.

MePhone4 told the three to wait on the group, before taking OJ's group and getting them to a safe location in the area. Eventually, after 4 hours, they arrived at the safe area, which was an area in the sky.

The area in the sky was only occupied by MePhone4, Ballpoint Pen, Zoetrope, Toilet, MePad, Milk, Rusty Jo, Dagger, Razor Blade, Swiss Army Knife, Hammer, Poker Chip, MeBook, MePhone7, MePhone7+, MePhone4S, and Pizza Cutter.

Rusty Jo, Dagger, Razor Blade, Swiss Army Knife, Hammer, and Poker Chip were all in the area's prison, having been transported from a general jail to the area in the sky due to the ongoing infection.

However, once MePhone4 arrived, everything was chaotic.

Poker Chip was lying on the floor with a hot poker in his mouth, MePhone4S and MeBook were nearby, having been cracked by a hammer, and MePhone7 and 7+ were both dead, having run out of battery.

MePad ran towards MePhone4 and told him, "Sir, the inmates broke out of the jail and killed everyone, everyone except for me, the inmates, Ballpoint Pen, Toilet, and Milk are dead".

MePhone4 asked what had happened to Poker Chip, considering he was one of the inmates. MePad said, "They killed him because they thought he would snitch, sir".

MePhone4 snapped his fingers and the inmates appeared infront of him. Before they could react, he restrained them using a rope and moved them out of the area, which left them dangling over 400 feet in the air.

MePhone4 lowered them a couple feet before the rope snapped and they fell, landing on the ground a second after the other. MePhone4 then went back into the helicopter to pick up Baseball, Salt, and Pepper.

"Jesus christ...", Paper muttered. MePad then teleported the remaining inhabitants and everyone got to meet eachother, having all been scarred by their recent experiences with death and blood.

Everyone, except for MePad, who couldn't express emotions, felt scared, shocked, sad, and/or relieved to be safe. All that was left was for MePhone4 to grab Baseball's group and then get everyone together and teleport them to a safe destination.

Nothing could go wrong...right?

Actual Insanity - Inanimate Insanity AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora