VII - Surprise!

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Pickle and Knife were running towards Yin when they heard a soft but menacing voice talk from inside of OJ's Office, it said one word;


Before breaking through the office floor.

Pickle and Knife backed away while Yin looked at the stranger in awe, unable to move or speak. OJ and Paintbrush's heart dropped when they realized that the stranger was carrying a pocket knife.

The stranger stabbed Yin in the forehead while still running forward, which sent both of them to the floor. The two would've ended up on the floor even if the stranger hadn't stabbed Yin. However, now the stranger could stand up with ease...

and then get punched in the face by Knife.

The stranger was almost punched by Pickle, but the stranger grabbed Pickle's right arm, the one he used to attack the stranger and pulled it towards him. Pickle was then close enough for the stranger to stab him with his other pocket knife.

He stabbed Pickle in the stomach, sending him to the floor. Knife usually wasn't absolutely fuming, but considering the stranger had just stabbed his boyfriend of almost a decade, he was absolutely furious.

Knife suddenly gained a lot of strength and tackled the stranger to the ground, punching him repeatedly. OJ went to help Pickle while Paintbrush stood there, absolutely confused, before hearing a knocking sound on the door containing Blueberry's corpse.

"Hey guys, can you help me out of here? The door is jammed shut".

Everyone stopped what they were doing...except for Knife. The stranger got distracted just as Knife was planning to use the other pocket knife, which Knife picked up during their rolling-punching match, and stab him in the face.

Knife missed the face and instead landing in the forehead, which killed the stranger instantly. Knife knew he was dead once the stranger stopped moving, so he got off of him, just as Paintbrush opened the door containing the blue corpse.

"Painty!", she said before hugging Paintbrush. However, Paintbrush then saw that she wasn't alone, someone else was behind her...

"Oh, by the way, Testy's behind me. She's just curious about the blood on the floor-", Lightbulb was saying, before getting interrupted by Paintbrush with the morbid statement of, "Oh, that's Blueberry's absolutely destroyed corpse. OJ accidentally made Blueberry's infected body explode his blood everywhere, pretty sure some of it got in OJ's mouth actually-"

"Paintbrush, what the fu-".

Test Tube was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. Fan's dead body broke into the stairs window. Everyone saw the now-dead Fan run down the stairs.

Test Tube grabbed a gun that Paintbrush, who had hidden it, was about to fire and said, "GO BACK TO HELL YOU CULTURE-FREAK!", before shooting Fan over 20 times, leaving only Fan's limbs remaining.

Test Tube then grabbed the limbs and broke them in half before dropping them out of the stair window. Lightbulb only heard what Test Tube said before Paintbrush forcefully covered their friend's innocent eyes.

"What happened, Test-", Lightbulb was saying, before she saw the blood surrounding the stairs. She looked shocked, considering Test Tube had almost never used a real weapon in her life. Test Tube simply responded, "Surprise..."

"Since when have you used a gun!?!", Lightbulb asked, confused. Test Tube responded, "I've held weapons near you before, remember? The teleportation gun? That's a gun, it's literally in the name". 

"Oh right! My bad", Lightbulb said, before chuckling softly. Knife then said, "Wait a minute, who's under this white hoodie then?", as he was standing next to the dead body of the stranger. OJ then said, "Don't ask, long story", which was clearly directed towards Lightbulb and Test Tube.

Knife then lifted the white hoodie from the stranger, revealing Taco. Everyone was shocked, considering that they all thought that Taco had died years ago. 

Taco was an old best friend of OJ's, basically Paper before Paper and OJ knew each other. However, Taco was only using OJ for money and secretly stealing from the hotel for her own investments.

Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for everyone else, Paper arrived a couple months after the hotel started and realized what was going on. He called her out for it and got her evicted. 

One day, two years later, Trophy found the shell from the taco with blood on it and remembered about Taco. He told OJ, who told everyone, who were shocked. However, as it turns out, they were all wrong.

The group were also wrong with assuming that was even the real Taco.

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