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supershuai sent you a friend request!

You declined the friend request

supershuai sent you a friend request!

You declined the friend request

supershuai sent you a friend request!

You declined the friend request

supershuai sent you a friend request with a message : President Xiao! This is Yibo ya~

You accepted the friend request

XZ. : ...

XZ. : I'm sorry

XZ. : I thought it was a random account

XZ. : *Kowtowing Sticker*

XZ. : *I was wrong Sticker*

supershuai : hahaha

supershuai : Why does it seem like you're even more cute on chat.

supershuai : You don't have to apologize ah, it's my ID that's weird.

supershuai : I just want to ask if President Xiao is free this Friday evening? It's a pity we didn't get to talk at all earlier.

XZ. : I can make some time for you.

XZ. : I was going to ask for your WeChat the next time we meet.

XZ. : How did you get mine? [Expectant emoticon]

supershuai : Well

supershuai : I asked my assistant then she asked Secretary Meng

supershuai : That's how I got it.

supershuai : *Hiding Sticker*

XZ. : Oh

XZ. : You should've just asked me yourself then

XZ. : Was I scary?

supershuai : hehe

supershuai : Not at all, you didn't look as intimidating as you seem.

supershuai : And it's quite cool ah, President Xiao actually talks like this

supershuai : I thought you'd be like those other CEO uncles who won't let anyone cut them off while speaking midway.

XZ. : That's a bad impression ah

supershuai : You can say so

XZ. : Am I an uncle?

supershuai : ...

supershuai : No ah!!!

supershuai : I didn't mean it that way [Tearing up emoticon]

supershuai : You're extremely handsome, can't be compared to those uncles at all. You're tall, you have a good body shape, you must be liked by a lot of omega girls and boys!

XZ. : ...

XZ. : Trying to get away with it with a few compliments

supershuai : No ah!!

supershuai : I meant it with all my heart

supershuai : *Swearing Sticker*

XZ. : haha

supershuai : I have to go now

supershuai : Don't forget about this friday

supershuai : You can't ditch me

supershuai : I'll post you on my social media and my fans will beat you up

XZ. : so fierce

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