Chapter 3

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Xiao Zhan readied himself with the fanciest suit he can manage, pairing it with his favorite Prada shoes and a dark colored watch. It took him almost 10 minutes staring at himself on the mirror while waiting for Yibo's call that he couldn't help but look back to all his actions yesterday. Maybe he really did act a bit cowardly and embarrassing

When his phone finally rang, his daydream completely dissipated, transitioning his frowning face to all smiles.

"Where are you?" Wang Yibo whined on the other end, sounding like he's been waiting for ages.

"Listening at this didi's tone, it seems like he forgot he didn't tell me where we'll meet."

"I didn't tell you???" Yibo's head should be filled with question marks at this moment. "I did ah, you're just too old to remember."

"Wang Yibo, you were clearly just complimenting me yesterday ah, how come you're insulting me now?"

"But you really did forget it."

"Ge, check it out again and read our convo yesterday, you said nothing about the location at all."

"I just sent you the address before going here!!" Yibo had to bargain once more before logging in to his WeChat account to check all his recent messages. "Fuck."

"Anything wrong?"

"I accidentally sent it to my manager and he's been bombarding me with messages."

"That's fine." Xiao Zhan chuckled. "Send me the address now. I'll try to go there as soon as possible, is that ok?"

"Hehe" The younger let out a tensed laugh, repeating the sentence 'I'm doomed' in his mind like a broken music disc. "Ge, the thing is he doesn't know I'll go out today, he'll definitely beat me up once he finds me here."

"Little fool, don't tell me you're escaping work?" The older had an evident frown on his face, fidgeting with a glass of liquor.

"I'm not like that ah President Xiao." Yibo was almost dying inside. He definitely cannot lose this endorsement along with the escaping matter or else his manager will beat him up for real. "I don't have schedules today so I set up a meet up with you, it's just that my manager advised me to not go out today a few days ago so..."

"What would've happened to you today if I decided to ditch you?" He snorted, rushing to the garage to look for his keys, then immediately drove his car outside. "Hide wherever you can ah. Send me the location and don't go out, it's dangerous if someone recognizes you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay.." Yibo immediately sent him the address via text. "I'm at the 4th VIP room, I booked this under my name so you can just tell the receptionist my name. I'll be hiding on the bathroom ah da-ge."

"How original." Xiao Zhan couldn't help but laugh. "Which sane person will hide inside such a visible place?"

"I have no choice ah da-ge, there's basically nowhere to hide." The younger reasoned in a half frustrated half explaining tone. "I can just lock the door till you knock."

"Ok." Xiao Zhan responded. "I'm hanging up now, wait for me there."

And so Wang Yibo obediently stayed in place, messaged his enraged manager during the process. (This part will be seen on messages prt.3!!)

When Xiao Zhan arrived, Yibo was just getting all tensed up because he knew damn well that Manager Ding had already assigned someone to look for him, which was only relieved when he heard a light knock on the door.

Wang Yibo abruptly open the door, all the tensed emotions in his body all died down.

"I thought I was going to die." The younger cried out, almost approaching the older for a hug. When he did realize that he is nowhere near friends with the person next to him, he immediately took a step back and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, It's a habit."

"I don't mind it much." 'not mind it much' because I might actually panic inside once you do so. Xiao Zhan inwardly squealed like a teenager. "Where do you plan to go now?"

"Drop me off a hotel maybe, I don't want to face Ding-ge's wrath yet."

"No Yibo, either you go to a friend's house or yours. Have you not seen news of famous celebrities getting planted with hidden cameras and trackers while getting stalked by sishengs? The nearest 5 star hotel is a 2 hour trip away, if you don't want your manager to get any more angry I suggest not to go somewhere too far away."

"I don't have a friend who lives in Beijing oh."

"Then we go to your house."

"No! Ge please show me some pity." Yibo almost kneeled in front of him begging, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but find it silly. Guess his manager was pretty strict with this little star for him to act so distressed oh.

"Okay, what about my house?"

When both of them arrived at his house, Xiao Zhan almost slapped himself in regret. How can he forgot about Suo'er?!

"Baba!!" Suo'er greeted him with a hug, then noticed another pair of feet next to his Papa's. "Who's with you?" He looked above him to face the two people, and there stood the person he's been waiting for for so long.

"Baba??!? You didn't say will bring home my Papa today??!" Suo'er couldn't help but jump in joy, engulfing Wang Yibo's thighs in a hug.

Yibo almost flinched, looking at Xiao Zhan's direction. The older responded with a low 'sorry' accompanied by an embarrassed look.

"Papa, I don't know why you refuse to come home when Suo'er was looking for you before."

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