Chapter 6

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Upon receiving a once in a lifetime day-off, the first thing Yibo thought was to accompany Suo'er for the day to build his bond with him, Xiao Zhan often goes home at 6 o'clock in the afternoon anyway so he thought it was fine to go unattended.

At 11 A.M. , he came to pick up Suo'er from pre-school with of course the classic mask and hat disguise. He didn't want to be so obvious so he didn't wear a hoodie and just covered every piece of mole he has with a concealer foundation, after much consideration, he ended up dressing himself in a plain white shirt and black baggy pants.

When he arrived, the teacher was actually quite unwilling to hand him over the child because of how suspicious he was looking.

"May I call Suo'er's papa first for confirmation before you can take him home?" The female teacher was quite on guard against him.

"Well jie you see... he doesn't know I'm picking up Suo'er today. Please don't call him or he'll scold me for going here without his permission." Yibo was almost about to cry in embarrassment from the judging stares he was getting from other parents, never in his whole life has he encountered this type of situation before as a young master and an A lister idol! Who knew that the first time he'll be accused as a bad guy will be during the time he's trying to impress the child of his potential boyfriend and (maybe even) husband?

"Sounds like something a kidnapper would say." The latter remained suspicious.

"I swear I really am not! You can bring him out to take a look at me, he'll recognize me in one glance." Yibo heavily resisted a laugh at the pre-school teacher's remark, seriously responding to her.

"No way! what if you suddenly snatch him away from me and run away??"

"Jiejie... aren't you a bit too paranoid...?" Yibo said in disbelief.

"Better be paranoid than regret it later."

And so the trip ended with Xiao Zhan knowing what happened and Yibo getting scolded real bad.

"Aiya, you didn't have to come here! You abandoned your work again." Yibo hit Xiao Zhan on the chest in a playful yet painful way. "Am I a kid? Do you think I can't take care of your child?"

"That's not it, you could've told me beforehand." Xiao Zhan replied in a much more gentle tone in attempt to soothe the younger's emotions. It's done, It's done, he knew he won't be able to deal with angry Yibo.

"That's why I didn't tell you! I knew you'd insist on coming with me. You handle such a big company yet you almost abandon your duties because of me, even your son would be frowning if he's already in the right mind."

That's not quite right, how did the situation turn into such a reverse real quick?

"I admit my mistake, I'm wrong. This is the last time I'll do this so forgive me okay?"

Anyway it seems like our Xiao Zhan has no plans to defend himself and just allowed the younger to take advantage of his affection towards him(lol)... What a dumb man!!

"You've been talking so much, it seems that you've completely forgotten that your son is still inside?"

Talking too much my ass! You're the one who keeps pro-longing the conversation!!

Just after Yibo said this, the pre-school teacher approached the both of them hand in hand with the already sleepy Suo'er looking a little bit embarrassed. "I'm really sorry, your friend was dressed so strangely I thought that he was lying." She apologized.

Suo'er was so tired that he didn't react to seeing Yibo today, they did a lot of exhausting stuff at the sports day and almost all of the energy stored inside his little body was used up participating in those activities.

"I could accept the apology if you didn't call me a kidnapper earlier." Teased Yibo, watching the woman shyly smiling at them.

"Even I would take you as a kidnapper because of the way you dress." Xiao Zhan lightly nudged his head in annoyance.

"Stop abusing me or I'll call the court on you and fight for Suo'er's custody!" The latter let out a small whine, slowly distancing himself from Zhan.

"Keep talking nonsense and I'd lock you out of the house today."

"You're even threatening me!!"

This time... Xiao Zhan really was speechless and just gave in.

Meanwhile the girl (probably) : What custody? What locked out of the house? I thought they were just friends???

This Wang Yibo... what's gotten into him that made him so addicted to playing the role of a bullied housewife??

"Stop acting already, nobody else is here." Xiao Zhan complained right after carrying the sleeping Suo'er inside the car. "Even pregnant omegas don't act like that."

"Eh, you're wrong on that part da-ge." Yibo pointed. "You definitely have never handled a pregnant omega."

"You know, when my cousin was pregnant I almost never came back home because she always hangs out in my house as a pregnant woman, I hate dealing with her so much! Her mood changes are even faster than those 30 second tv commercials!!" He continued.

"Then both of you really are cousins." Xiao Zhan snorted.

"Are you saying that I have mood swings???"

"I never said anything."


"Go back to the company, I'll stay with xiao-er alone today." Yibo pushed Xiao Zhan out of Suo'er's room and shooed him away, closing the door at his face.

"Are you sure??" Xiao Zhan stayed outside of the door for a while, worried.

"I'm more than sure, go away!!" Yibo might've shouted too loud that Suo'er flinched and slowly woke up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Sleep more okay?" The change of tone was so quick even Xiao Zhan couldn't believe what he was hearing from outside.

"Then I'll go now. Don't order take out for lunch, I'll send the nanny to cook some food for the both of you okay?"

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