Messages (6)

259 31 4

supershuai : SOS SOS

XZ. : What happend???

XZ. : [running emoji]

XZ. : I told you I shouldn't have left home

supershuai : ...

supershuai : I just wanted to ask where your charger is

supershuai : I forgot to bring mine

XZ. : heavens

XZ. : You're gonna kill me someday

supershuai : Ge it's a famous internet slang OK

supershuai : almost everyone uses it now for everything 🙄

XZ. : atleast nobody I know does that

supershuai : all you ever know are bald men in business suits, there's no wonder that they don't use that!

XZ. : crazy

supershuai : hehe

supershuai : so where's your charger?

XZ. : Inside my room, it's on the coffee table.

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