Chapter Seven

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The Christmas Holidays went by in a flash. Everyone came over this year, too, but they didn't stay as long because of Dorian.

We didn't have our annual singing or dancing competitions and it was kind of lame. I did play Tekken with Andy after mom and dad took Dorian up to bed. It wasn't at all comfortable, at first.

But since every evening that week was spent hanging alone with Andy, I kind of got used to seeing him and not feeling bad about what happened.

His idea to pretend that everything was okay kind of worked out well in the end.

We even made it through an evening of slight intoxication on his birthday without any mishaps.

On the 28th, mom suggested we go dress shopping for the New Year's party. I told her that I didn't want to overdo it, and she explained that anyone who had enough money to book Black Veil Brides for a party, was probably going to have a dress code. Plus, it was a fun mother-daughter activity that we haven't done in so long.

I finally agreed to her plea after it dawned on me that she probably wanted a few hours away from the house and the baby. That, I could get behind.

We went to one nameless dress store after another. Most of them had floor length dresses, which felt like too much. I tried on one dress after another, and none felt right. In the end, I decided on a knee length dress with a high waistline. The skirt was black and frilly and fluffy and all the best adjectives, while the upper part was silver, backless, and sleeveless, and it sparkled.

She took me to a hairdresser and we both got our hair done. She said I really made her proud when I decided that I'd go from pink to purple. I asked her why, and she told me that this was her hair color when she got pregnant with me.

Afterward, we got some coffee and cake. I really loved this bonding we had going on. I asked her if she wanted to get matching nose piercings. She told me that she already had her nose pierced, but that I could get mine pierced and she'd start wearing her piercing again. I did my happy dance and hugged her.

The nose piercing didn't hurt that much. I honestly expected it to be worse.

While I was getting my nose pierced, dad called her, asking when we'd be back. That signaled the end of our girls' day.

When we came home, dad noticed the hair first. "You look just like Wes did when she was your age," he told me. Then he noticed the piercing and gave mom a questioning look.

"What happened to no more body mod for a while?" He asked her.

"It's been nine months. I think that's a long enough while," she defended.


"Oh, come on Ronnie."

"Don't you like the nose ring, dad?" I gave him my puppy dog look.

"Hey, two against one is very unfair " he whined.

We both hugged him, and he finally said that I looked hella cool, which was all I wanted to hear.

When I asked Andy what he thought about it, he said that I was starting to look more and more like my parents' child, and I didn't know what to do with that statement.

Though later that day, in the evening when we were forced to be each other's only company again, he said that it looked good. That was better but I still had no idea what to make of it.

New Year's finally came. My parents made sure that Andy would keep me safe. They agreed on me staying over at his place and we were to come back here tomorrow for lunch.

"If you see any guys talking to my daughter, please let them know that her father owns several guns." I overheard dad talking to Andy. I rolled my eyes. Dad did not in fact own any guns because all three of us very much disagreed with the firearms laws in our country.

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