1. Awaken

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The blue sky stretched out to the distance meeting the edge of the land. The fluffy white clouds sat randomly on the sheet of blue creating peculiar shapes and slowly slid across the sky. The green landscape ran for miles, rising and falling like frozen waves of the sea. Little grass patches and flowers scattered along the green floor, and lonely trees stood tall here and there, adding a little life to the quiet planes. A few birds flew across the sky high above, soaring free and wild. 

This was the sight I saw when I awoke. I looked around at the beautiful but empty planes. I didn't know anything, where I am, who I am, what I am. All I knew was that I was currently by myself in the middle of nowhere. 

However, I did feel something odd. I was not touching anything, it was just a feeling. A connection. Laying down on the ground, being in contact with the plants and soil. I felt relaxed and calm. I closed my eyes, breathing in the sweet scent of nature, feeling my connection to the land. I felt as if I am one with the land. It's odd, but not unfamiliar. It felt as if I am the land.

I stood up, looking at the land I am standing on, feeling its strength and the power within me. I focused on the connection I feel and imagined an action. I watched the sight before me in utter amazement. The flat land slowly moved up and a hill rose, then it fell down into the land and a small valley is formed. I looked into the distance and tried to repeat the same action to that piece of land. I watched in excitement as the land moved again. 

After some time and testing my amazing abilities. I discovered that I am able to control and manipulate anything related to Earth that isn't alive; such as minerals, rocks, soil, water, dead plants, etc. I can also possess golems and statues I make, I can see the world through their eyes and I can control their movements like a puppet. Also, my power seems to have an infinite reach, I could manipulate the lands of any location, as long as I can see it. 

I was completely amazed by my abilities, so excited I ran around the planes and played around with my powers for ages. 

After I familiarised myself with my powers, I sat still on the ground. There is nothing but grass and trees for as far as I could see. I looked into the distance, where the sky meets the land. 

I want to see what is out there, to go out and learn about the world.

I looked around and pick out a random direction, then begin to move toward this direction, if I move in one direction I'll eventually run into something, right? 

Slowly, I left the place where I woke up behind, moving forward into the distance, and beginning my journey. 

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