2. Save the Village

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As I was wandering the lands, I heard faint sounds coming from the near distance. I was a little startled but much more excited, it was the first time I heard sounds that are different from animal sounds. I quickly rushed over to where the sounds were coming from. 

Soon, I saw some houses, and the sounds became clearer, it was a language I haven't heard before but somehow I am able to understand it. 




"Wahhhh! Mummy! Mummy!!"

I got closer and I saw it. There were huge giants walking and running around the houses, grabbing the smaller version of themselves and throwing them in their wide-opened mouths. The houses were being crushed by their hands and feet like nothing, the animals all screeched and ran like crazy, and the smaller two-leg creatures also ran and hid. It was such a disorientating sight to see. 

I listened more closely and realized that those two-leg creatures were the ones making the sounds. 

How odd, I have never seen such beings, yet I seem to know just what they are. Yes, of course, this was a common sight in this world. Titans destroying and devouring humans. Even though this information was buried deep within my consciousness, this was the first time I have seen the event myself. Watching the humans bleed and die, hearing them scream and cry, smelling the fresh blood-filled air. This is very different from a vivid memory that I didn't even know I had. 

I wanted to help them. I needed to help them. I couldn't just stand there and watch the horrid display and do nothing!

I charged towards the village, the titans don't seem to notice me, no one did, everyone ignored me and ran right through me. I, can't be seen. Oh but this wasn't the time to question it, I need to do something.

I quickly created a giant stone golem* the size of a titan, this should help fight off the titans a little. Surely flesh can't be stronger than stone. 

*The golem looks something like this.

The ground shook wildly a the golem rose up from under the ground, the small dust flew off the stones creating a little misty appearance around it as it approaches the titans with heavy stomps

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The ground shook wildly a the golem rose up from under the ground, the small dust flew off the stones creating a little misty appearance around it as it approaches the titans with heavy stomps. The villagers froze at the sight. The mindless titans don't seem to really care and continued to reach for the humans. 

The golem threw a punch toward a titan, and its head swung to the sides so fast it almost flew off. Now, the golem has caught the titans' attention. A few titans slowly moved towards the golem, swarming up to try and take it down. 

Meanwhile, I quickly manipulate the land the titans are standing on, sinking the titans' legs under and trapping them in. They could no longer move. This gave the villagers plenty of time to run away from the titans and into safety. This also made it easier for the golem to land hits on the titans. 

While the golem used its big stone hands to send titans flying into the far distance away from the village, I used mud and soil to create huge hands and coiled them up carrying them far away. Soon enough, all the titans are nowhere to be seen. I sent them to the furthest empty land I know of, far away from everything, emptiness for miles. I didn't know how to kill them, if I knew I would've just eliminated them for good, but those titans regenerate their flesh even when my golem ripped it off. So for now, all I could do is send them away. 

After the messy battle, the village was in ruins. So I restored the land back to the flat surface it used to be. Unfortunately, I don't know how to build houses, so I had to leave that to the villagers themselves. 

The villagers were all to be amazed by the miracle that had saved them from the merciless titans. They kneeled and bowed, praising me for my help, they even gave me a name and title.

"Thank you, God, for saving us!"

"I am ever so grateful for your protection, God!"

"God really does exist! They do exist! they saved us from death by the titans!"

"Alex, the almighty God of Earth and the great Protector of Humankind!" 

After praying and calling out their gratitude and gratefulness. They repaired the buildings and lands and everything was back how it used to be. 

I look at the village back to its peaceful and healthy appearance. I felt something, nice. I know I have just saved a village from its fate to become a ruin in the empty planes. I looked at the happy faces of the people, and the smiles that are once again sitting on the children's faces. I didn't want them to be hurt again, but I also wanted to keep traveling, so I thought I could leave a golem behind so I can stay informed of their conditions and quickly help them if they need it. With that thought, I made a statue* in the middle of their village, this way I could observe the whole village from the statue's eyes and I could help them from anywhere in the world. 

*The statue looked similar to this. A non-binary statue, standing in the middle of some plants and flowers. It stands in the middle of the village overlooking everything.

The villagers saw this newly built statue and they claimed it to be their God and savior Alex

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The villagers saw this newly built statue and they claimed it to be their God and savior Alex. They prayed to the stature every morning, they would bow and show respect to the statue when they pass it. 

Soon, I realized that their prayers were increasing my strength and power. So I decided to explore the lands and spread my name as the God of Earth to the other villages. I decided that I will go around saving villages, leaving a statue behind, so I can collect their prayers while also being able to keep an eye on their safety. Perfect plan!

This event made me understand that I am very different from regular humans. Not only that I have the power to manipulate Earthly elements. But the fact I am invisible to everyone. I am not a human, not a titan, nor am I an animal. I am not a living creature. 

But, what am I? I don't have the answer to that. No one does. Maybe I'll learn about my existence in the future. 

But right now, I am Alex, the God of Earth and Protector of Humankind.

With a set goal and a new identity, I set off on my journey once again. 

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