8. My First Appearance

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Soon enough the time has come. The Survey Corps were on the move again. They packed their temporary setup back onto the carriage, rode their horses, and set off once more.

I followed close behind that one group of people that interested me the most. Soon, they reach a forest, the forest was filled with huge trees that even titans seem small standing next to them. The trees were tall and stick, and their canopy blocked off the majority of the sunlight which made the forest darker.

I followed them as they moved to a brighter patch of the forest and set up their camp there. They knew their way to this spot, did they already explore this forest? If they did, why did they stop here?

I watched as Erwin pull out a map, and discuss their plans with Levi and Hange. I learned that they have been here already, but they haven't explored everything. There are still sections of this forest they haven't explored yet.

This is my chance! Furthermore, this forest is dark so titans don't tend to hang around here, so it won't be all that suspicious to see someone here, after all, they haven't explored the whole forest yet

I need to find a place to put down the body I made first, it also has to be the place I 'live' at. I roam through the forest, looking for a suitable location. Then I found a cave, this cave was hidden between some boulders and a curtain of vines and flowers. The inside of the cave was quite spacious, it had stone walls and some patches of grass. It is perfect.

I placed the body I made down inside the cave, then I used the dry grass around and some vines along with some leather to make a rough piece of clothing. For the final touch, I used one of the Green hooded capes I found along the forest floors. I possessed the body and moved around for a bit, adjusting to the body and refreshing its flexibility. Then I began to gather some objects from the forest to decorate the cave a little, making it look like I have been living here for a while. Last but not least, I used sticks along with sharp stones and some pieces of broken blades along the floors to make some weapons and placed them around the cave.

Now that everything is ready, I left the body and went back to the Survey Corps. I waited for a while until some members paired up and went off in different directions, I don't know what they were doing, but I knew this was my time to make an appearance. I quickly possessed the body again, grabbed a spear, and left the cave.

I slowly move toward the direction of the Survey Corp's camp. Soon enough, I spotted two soldiers not too far from me, slowly making their way across the forest in my direction. Just then, a boar slowly came across me, it stopped and sniffed the ground, making groaning sounds. Alright, this is the perfect chance! I crept up to the boar and pounced, my surprise attack gave both the soldiers and the boar a great jump-scare. I used the spear to pierce through the boar's head, then carried the boar on my shoulders and left. The two soldiers recovered from the shock and hurried back to their camp.

Mission success!

I carried the boar back to the cave, leaving a faint trail of blood. I placed the boar down just outside the cave, what in the world am I supposed to do with this now!? I try to think back to what the villagers and the hunters I used to observe would do, they would skin the animal, and sell some parts and eat some parts. Well, there are no shops in the forest, so selling meat is out of the question.

I took a knife and slowly skinned the boar, I hang its skin on a branch above the cave entrance, then I tied the boar to a stick and set up a fire pit underneath. That's how I remember those hunters made it, god I hope I don't mess up, I am supposed to be a professional.

Luckily it turned out alright, I can't tell how it smells or tastes, but by the golden brown color, I would say it's good. I put the fire out and used the knife to cut off some parts of it, and I buried the meat in the ground some distance away from the cave, then I left the bones next to the fire pit, making it seem like I have eaten some of it. I found some big leaves and vines, then I wrapped the boar up and brought it inside the cave, I left the fire pit remains and bones outside.

Now I just need to wait for their arrival. I sat in my cave, listening closely for any footsteps approaching. Oh my gosh, I am so excited and nervous that I am shaking! That's something I heard a villager say before. My body has no nerves so such action isn't possible, but this is the only way I can describe myself right now. I can't wait to meet them! I wonder how they would react when those two soldiers report the discovery. I could almost imagine Hange jumping with pure excitement.


"The trail of blood ends here, we must be close, everyone on high alert!"

"It's the remains of a fire pit, and what I would assume to be bones of the boar, he must be close by"

AHHHH! They are here! They are here! They are just a few meters away from me!

"This cave, it is quite well hidden..."

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

They found me! I repeat, they found me! Alright, Alex the professional survivor in the wild forest, it's you're time to shine!

I grabbed a spear and slowly moved to the entrance, I stood behind the curtain of vines. The shadow of the vines and hooded cape covered up my figure. I stood there, looking out, Erwin and Levi were standing directly at the entrance, the two soldiers that discovered me standing slightly behind them, and the others are all on guard standing all around.

"Oh my god, there is a person living in there!" 

"I wonder how he survived out here all alone..."

"They must be strong"

"I don't know, there aren't really any titans here at all."

"That makes them smart and strong, they are smart enough to find such a good place and they are strong enough to survive alone out here"


Hearing the other soldiers whisper about me, I felt, somewhat satisfied. I am being noticed as a person.

"Hmm, greetings, you are the survey corps am I right? Please, come in." I said out loud as I lifted the vines up a little, gesturing them to enter. Then I walked back into the cave, placing the spear down against the walls, and sat down on a patch of soft grass.

As Erwin and Levi walked inside, I lit up a fire pit to light up the room. I look up at them and gestured for them to sit down by the fire. Erwin approached closer and sat down at a safe distance from me, while Levi remained standing behind Erwin.

I saw Levi look around the cave and showed a face of disgust, then he stood up straight, not leaning against anything. 

"It's a cave out in the forest, it's not a house with cleaning products, it is bound to be filthy."

Levi stared at me intensely, as if he is questioning how I read his mind.  

I just smiled and looked back down at the fire, not saying anything else.

"So, who are you?"

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