11. Sweet Lullaby

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We stayed for another 3 days in the forest. Every day, the members would get in small groups and go off to further explore the forest, mapping it down on their own little maps. At night, they all return with their findings and combine them together onto the bigger map.

Occasionally, they would return with injuries, the injured members would stay behind and heal while other members fill in their place and continue. Since I am not properly trained yet, my job was to provide food, I would go out hunting and bring back the animals for the exhausted soldiers.

To be honest, I don't know why they won't just ask me about the forest since I had lived here. According to them, it's better for them to go and map the lands down themselves, it helps them understand and remember. Whatever sails their boats I guess, less work for me then.

On the last night, while I was inside the tent at night, I heard heavy breathing and mumbling from next to me. I look over to Eren and Armin to see what was happening. Eren seems to be having a nightmare, his face is all crunched up and covered with sweat, he is breathing heavily, and slightly twitching his head, mumbling "no, no, mother don't leave me".

I felt a tightness within me. The kid probably lost his mother to the cruel world. To have lost his family at such a young age, and have to bare with the power of the titan-shifter. Life was being extra cruel to this young soul...

As I was thinking, he suddenly reached his hand out and woke up with a tiny scream. The sudden movement startled me and woke Armin up as well. Armin goes over to pat Eren's back, softly telling him to breathe and calm down. Judging by Armin and Eren's reaction, it seems to happen quite often.

"Eren, are you okay?"

I asked Eren softly, he nodded slowly while trying to smooth out his breathing.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"It's alright, I'm a light sleeper anyways, I wake up to any sudden sounds. Did you have a nightmare? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry for startling you."

Eren lowered his head, still trying to smooth down his breathing and heartbeat. He wasn't okay. I can tell. His eyes are glittering with tears, and are filled with terror and sorrow. His nightmare is probably a traumatic event he went through.

I sat down, moving my shins to the side, and let my thighs sit on the ground, then I softened the area on my thighs.

*The sitting pose was something like this, the thighs are more closely together though.

I pulled Eren over and laid him down on my thigh pillow

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I pulled Eren over and laid him down on my thigh pillow. He was startled, and after realizing what has happened he tried to get up. I held his head still on my lap and tapped him lightly on the shoulders.

"Eren, being the older brother of the family I grew up taking care of children. I can tell you are not okay, and that's alright, you don't have to keep it all in. Now, just relax, and rest."

"My younger siblings always said my lap was better than their pillows, so enjoy my offer. It's alright now, I'll keep you safe, no need to worry, rest easy."

I smiled as both Eren and Armin just looked at me silently.

"Hey, you haven't asked any of us any questions so far, yet you told us so much about yourself, are you not curious?"

"Well, I am curious. But I won't force you to take the bandage off when the wound hasn't healed, when you are ready, you can come and show me your beautiful scars. But until then, let it heal. I can show you my scars because my wounds have healed long ago, and I am not ashamed of my scars, they itch from time to time, but they are a part of me and made the current me."

They smiled and laid down, no one said anything, and the tent was quiet. But they couldn't seem to sleep again, and Eren was stiff as a wooden plank on my lap.

I softly caressed Eren's hair and sang a lullaby that I heard a mother sing to her children before. It was a nice melody, so I remembered it.

I started humming the soothing melody softly. As I began, the night forest sounds of the slow water drops and the soft breezes outside created a beautiful harmony for my voice as it reaches the ears of the tired soldiers.

Come little children,
I'll take thee away,
into a land of Enchantment.

Come little children,
the time's come to play,
here in my garden of Shadows~.

Eren and Armin closed their eyes, enjoying the lullaby.

Follow sweet children,
I'll show thee the way,
through all the pain and the Sorrows.

Weep not poor children,
for life is this way,
murdering beauty and Passion~.

Soon, Eren's breathing and heartbeat calmed down, and his shoulders softened. He wasn't too stiff and tense anymore.

Hush now dear children,
it must be this way,
to weary of life and Deceptions.

Rest now my children,
for soon we'll away,
into the calm and The quiet~.

Eren and Armin soundly drifted off to their slumbers, their face once again peaceful.

Come little children,
I'll take thee away,
into a land of Enchantment.

Come little children,
the time's come to play,
here in my garden of Shadows~~.

I lowered my voice as I stopped, the soft breezes made a hollow melody as the lullaby ended. I sat still, gently brushing Eren's hair and Armin's hair beside me. I look up at the roof of the tent.

"Sleep well dear, may my lullaby bring you a sweet dream tonight and chase your nightmares away."

Where I didn't see, Levi, Erwin, and Hange smiled ever so softly, while a tear rolled down many faces as they dreamt of a warm embrace.


The lullaby is "Children of the Night", it's a fanmade song for princess Luna from My Little Pony.

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