12. Return

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The next day arrives as the sun rises up once more, bringing light upon the lands again. The sound of bird songs echoes throughout the forest like an alarm, and the forest awakens.

Everyone got out of their tents with dazed eyes and messy hair. They splashed some water on their face and smoothed down their hair with their hands the best they could, there is no bathroom for them to properly get ready out here in the forest.

"Eren? Armin? Alex? Are you awake?"

I see the shadow of someone outside the tent.

"Mikasa? Come in."

She peaked her head in and saw the scene. I was sitting at the side of the tent with Eren sound asleep on my lap and Armin asleep next to me. She looked at the scene for a good moment, processing what she is looking at, then looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Eren had a nightmare last night and woke up screaming, so I let him sleep on my lap and sang a lullaby to ease the stress. It worked like a charm, they were sound asleep in no time."

"You were the one that sang last night?"

"Oh sorry, did I disturb your sleep?"

"No, it helped me sleep. You have a soothing voice."

"Haha, thank you, I'm glad I could help."

"Well, it's time to pack up and go, you should wake them up now."

She pointed at Eren and Armin then left the tent. I looked down at the sleeping boys, they look so peaceful and happy. I will protect them from now on.

I gently run my fingers through their soft and fluffy hair, softly tapping on their shoulders.

"Eren, Armin, rise and shine, it's time to get up."

They turned their heads and their eyes twitched, slowly open their eyes, and stayed still for awhile, having a brain-is-not-awake-yet moment.

"Hahaha, it's time to pack up and prepare to leave." I chuckled and waved my hand at them.

They looked at me and blinked a few times. Then a brain-just-turned-on moment clicked, and they sat up and began to pack everything up. Wrapped up the blankets, rolled up the tents, and placed everything and the horse carriage.

"Yo Alex, we don't have a spare horse for you, so you're gonna need to ride on the carriage, sorry."

"Oh, no worries, I don't mind."

Hange then showed me to the carriage I'll be riding on, there weren't many things on there, so there was plenty of space for me.

As everyone was collecting all their belongings and getting ready to leave, Eren and Armin came up to me. Eren stood next to me, glancing at me now and then, but doesn't say anything. The boy with such determined eyes and loathing hatred towards the titans, now acting all shy and hesitant, I just couldn't help myself.

"Eren, Armin, you two were so cute, sleeping so peacefully while nuzzling up to me like little kittens. You know, I once stayed still for an entire afternoon to hunt down my prey and my legs ached afterward. But this time I sat still all night and wasn't even tired, your cuteness chased away all my fatigue!"

Armin and Eren looked down and blush in embarrassment, I could almost see the steam rising from their heads. Such adorable children!

"Thank you for helping me sleep and sorry for sleeping on your lap the entire night!"

Eren quickly stuttered out the sentence and then ran off with Armin. I chuckled, they are so energetic and fun, they just lighten up my mood. Watching their flustered face and feeling their happiness, I made a promise to myself; I will keep their smile and I will protect them no matter what!

Everyone went over to their horses, giving them pets and encouraging whispers, then hopping on their backs. I went over and jumped onto the carriage as well, I brought a bow and a set of arrows with me just in case.

Erwin looked around to see if everyone was ready, then he lift his arm up and swung it forward.


With that, everyone charged forward like bullets, their green capes waved in the wind as they moved forward, and the horses' hooves brushed the dust off the floor into the air. 

From afar, it looked like a huge green creature riding on a cloud.

I looked back at the forest, then turned to look at the other soldiers. I am now one of them. I am no longer alone. I can't wait to see what life would be like with them!

As the corps rode across the planes, no one realized a fresh trail of grass and flowers followed us into the distance as they went, as I rode with them back home.


I watched in amazement as we approached a wall that was extremely tall and had to not to where I can see from the body.

"So this is the Wall..."

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