3. Learning about the World

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I have been roaming this land for quite some time now, aimlessly wandering the empty planes. This land is pretty empty, most of it is just empty grasslands and forests with huge trees, and there is barely anything else. Even animals, I have only seen birds fly above now and then, and the farm animals living in the villages.

I have come across quite an amount of villages, these villages are all small and isolated, miles apart from each other. I suspect that there are not many people living on this big land, or maybe the villages I came across are all just the minority. I protected them from the titans and left behind a statue in every village I came across, I also left mini-statues* as landmarks to mark the places I have been to.

*The mini-statues looked similar to this, just imagine them standing on the land like a remaining statue from some architectural ruins. 

After a while, the number of statues I made increased, to the point I couldn't possess them to check up on the villages one by one

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After a while, the number of statues I made increased, to the point I couldn't possess them to check up on the villages one by one. So I left a fragment of my conscious mind within every statue I make, by doing this the statues seem to come to life with a sparkle in their eyes. This made the villagers admire and pray even more. This also allows me to be alerted when a consciousness senses unusual activities, without possessing the statues to check everything myself.

The titans come in many different shapes and sizes, scattered all over the place. They move during the daytime and stop at night, they move rather slowly, but they seem to have a certain direction they are all heading towards. Normally when I follow them I would find a village. Probably because they devour humans so they can sense where humans are.

Although they are alive, they seem very different from other living creatures. They don't really interact with one another, they just walk around. They don't really have a digestive system I don't think, I have never once seen them urinate or excrete, it's like all the humans they eat just sit in their stomachs. Furthermore, they can't seem to feel fatigued, at night, they don't get tired and sleep, rather they freeze like a machine stopped functioning due to lack of a power source.

Also, these titans can regenerate their flesh. No matter how I destroy them they always stand back up. So far I haven't found a way to kill them yet, so all I can do is transfer them away to empty lands far away from the villages.

After time and time of fighting against titans, I discovered a technique to transfer titans away faster while causing less damage, but it requires more precise control and manipulation of the land. I create a trench to allow the titans to fall into, then I slide the trench containing the titans along the land into the distance. This way the village houses and farms won't be destroyed, and it's faster than fighting the titans one by one. I still use the stone golems to take on the titans that just don't travel with the groups though.

Sometimes I question how these small and isolated villages survive out here for this long. I have saved them from the titan's attacks, but how did they overcome this before I helped? Some of the villages I've been to claim to have years of history, but with these titans roaming around and attacking, I just don't understand how they managed to survive this long. Did the titans just never find and attacked them for those years? And they were just lucky to have remained to stand? Maybe that was the reason why the villages don't have many people and are all separated, maybe the other bigger villages got destroyed and these small villages are the lucky survivors.

Or was there some way to kill the titans? Maybe there are people out there who kill titans like hunters hunt animals.

Then I learned about the Survey Corps, and the majority population living within the walls...

"Say, do you ever wonder what life is like within the Walls?"

"Well yeah, I think everyone is curious, I heard they live just like us, but they are protected from the titans by the walls."

"Yeah, the Survey Corps is with them after all, they kill off all the titans that pose a threat."

"Right! Have you ever seen them, they ride their horses with their green capes, soaring through the air and killing the titans like nothing! Must be great to have them protect you."

"Whatever, it may be safer, but I say it's too restricting, all the rules and people. We have much more freedom out here."

"Yeah, they have the Survey Corps, but we have the almighty God of Earth! We don't have to be jealous at all!"


According to the villagers, the Survey Corps is an organization that kills titans and occasionally comes out to explore new land to add to their maps. The Wall is a place where the majority of the humans live, there are big tall walls surrounding the land they live on, separating them from the titans.

I wonder if I would ever meet them...

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