7. Build a Body

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After learning about them, I realized how they are somewhat similar to me. They are roaming the lands to explore like me, and they protect humans like me, they are famous like me.

However, they have things that I don't, a home. They have a home to return to after their long days of exploration and tired training, they have a family that loves and cares for them, and they have friends who are always there for them. I don't. Sure, I have this godly power, and I am admired and adored by my disciples, but no one really knows who I am.

It made me feel weird. Ah, I think this is what people call jealousy.


I am jealous of them.

I envy them.

I want to be like them.

I wanted to meet them as a person.

I wanted to interact with them.

I want to be friends with them.

I wanted to return home with them.


A thought barged its way into my mind. I want... A physical body.

But I don't know how...

I can't just say I'm a villager and wants to join, the other villagers don't know me, I'll be busted the moment I show up. And I am pretty sure the corps won't just accept anyone into their team, they are titan killers, so the members should all be strong and smart.

I also can't just approach them out here, someone who can survive in this titan-filled land alone is too suspicious. And approaching them suddenly is also too suspicious, I mean, what would be my excuse for the sudden change of mind from living alone to joining the organization with the highest death rate?

Wait, that's it! If I can survive out here alone then I must have my way of surviving titans without the gears they use to fly, which means I would be considered strong enough to be a part of them. They would be curious about a possible new way of survival from the titans. It might just work!

But I need to be thoughtful about how I approach them. I also need to think of an identity and a backstory for myself.

Now, all I need is a body.

I used stones as bones, mud mixed with soil as flesh, and a 'bag' made of leather with a clay coating as the stomach. A layer of soft clay and extracted micro-fibers from plants as skin, some water underneath the skin to make it more moist and elastic. Then I molded white iron balls and dark gemstones as eyes, and strings of stretched steel as hair.

With that, I created a human-like body out of pure Earthly substances.

I possessed the body and practiced moving around in it, I can move it rather well, it was a bit rusty at first but it got better. I tested the body's strength and flexibility trying to find its breaking point, and I tested the limit of water I can touch. I would hate to suddenly crack apart or melt in front of everyone. Then, I tested the effects of eating and drinking, the food and water would stay inside the leather bag, and it increases my weight, I would need to find chances to remove them before they rot and release bad smells.

However, as much as this body looks and almost functions like a human, it's nothing more than a pile of soil and stones molded in the shape of a human. I have no blood, no organs, no breathing, no heartbeat; I absolutely cannot be examined by a doctor in any way!

So, I need to be careful to not put myself in a deadly situation, I also need to be smart about how I would get out of the situation without being suspicious. As long as I don't get "hurt" and I don't get too wet, then everything would be fine.

I need to be considerate about every single move I make.

Now everything is ready, I just have to wait for the right moment to show up. With this plan in mind, I began to follow them around, watching them do their thing, and observing their behaviors.

This is a risky move, but I want to try, try to get close to these strong humans, try to become a part of them, and try to experience relationships and live like them.

Oh, I just can't wait to meet them in person!

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