13. New Life

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"So this is the Wall..."

The wall ahead was extremely tall and it runs into the distance and I cannot see the edge from the body I am in. I wonder how did they manage to build a wall this big, it's even taller than the titans.

The troupes stopped at the gate. The gate is just as tall as the wall, but it has a sign of a head on it. Soon, the gate began to rise, and along with loud noises, the large piece of stone was rising up, revealing a tunnel passageway. The troupes slowly made their way inside.

We exited the tunnel on the other side, the light shines on us once again, it felt as if I just entered another world. There were big houses and buildings, busy streets, and lots of people. Everyone was gathered by the side of the road, looking at the Survey Corps and cheering for their return.

I looked around the crowd, there were mothers holding their young babies while they watched the Corps, there were children running along with the horses with big smiles and sparkling eyes, and there were elder people who have soft smiles of relief seeing the members' safe return, there were also younger people scanning the members trying to find their loved ones.

Looking at the sparkling eyes, I realized that the Survey Corps is the hero of these people, the children love them and wants to be them, and their family are proud of them but still worry for them.

I looked around the buildings, they are much more crowded together, there's not much open space like in my villages. Well, I guess, more people means more houses means less space. This is no small village, this is where the majority of humans live, it's bound to be different from the villages. Well, I can't wait to learn more!

Everything was so new to me. I wonder, would I even be able to spread my name into this place?

The Survey Corps rode their horses slowly across the busy roads, and after some twists and turns, they arrived at a huge building. They call it their HQ.

They led the horses to their stables, then took the carriages to store away all the things they have taken back with them.

I hopped off the carriage I was on, and just stood aside. I have no idea what to do. God, this is so awkward...

"Alex, come with me, I'll help you settle in."

Hange came out of nowhere and dragged me away. Is she always this energetic? Does she never get tired?

They registered me into their system, assigned me a dorm room, took my measurements, and told me they'll have my uniform ready soon. then she showed me around the HQ, the toilets, the washrooms, the cafeteria, the storage rooms, the captain and commander offices, the infirmary, and the training grounds.

During the tour, I realized that as a human I need to take showers and wash, but this body cannot be too soaked in water. I'll need to think of something to deal with this issue...

Lastly, Hange took me to the training field. She gave me a belt and told me to try to keep my balance using thins. She showed me how to put the belt on and she hovered in the air on two wires connected to the belt on her waist.

I tied the belt onto my waist, then slowly lift my legs off the ground. It was unsteady and it was hard to maintain my balance on just two wires. I wobbled from side to side, constantly feeling like I'm going to swing around and bang my head on the ground. It took some time, but I got there, I eventually managed to keep my balance on the wires. It feels like I am flying!

Now that I have managed the balance, Hange moved to the next level, she gave me the full gear. She showed me how to wear it and how to maneuver it. She held the handles and a wire shot out of the gear set, it hit the wall and clung to it, she pressed another button and the wires began to pull her up into the air. She continuously pressed the two buttons on the handles, and she swung through the air by switching the wires placements, and the gas tank by her hips act as a supporting gear to push her forward. That looks difficult...

I tried to do what she did, but I kept smashing myself into walls and poles and losing momentum because I messed up the wire movement or the gas launching level. After some practice and getting familiar with the buttons, I was finally able to swing through the air like a monkey on vines. This is fun!

Then Hange gave me lessons on the rules of the Survey Corps and taught me how to kill titans and the riding formations they use when they go on expeditions.

I didn't even realize they had a formation at all...

Hange showed me how they use gears to swing themselves in the air so they can reach the height of the titans. Then they use the sharp blades to slice through the titans' napes, and with that the titan collapse and dies. She showed me you can tell where the nape is by a faint diamond shape on the back of their necks, and if you don't slice deep enough the titan won't die.

Hange taught me everything I needed to know as a Survey Corps member, she guided me to adjust to life as a Survey Corps member. Armin also shared his knowledge with me and gave me tips. It took me some time, but I learned and got used to living inside the walls.

Of course, I still pay attention to my disciples. I am still the God of Earth after all.

However, I haven't been able to spread the name of Alex as the God of the Land within the walls yet. The people here have the Survey Corps and military to rely on, and they live free from the danger of titans, they have no need for a god's protection. Only a few people heard the rumors and decided to pray for psychological comfort.

I wonder if I would ever be able to spread the name at all.


I have been living with the Survey Corps for some time now. I got what I longed for ever since I saw them, friends and family. My questions and curiosity about the world and life inside the walls have been answered.

I wonder how long would I stay with them...

My body won't age or get sick, it'll get suspicious after a while. Being in the survey corps is dangerous, and if I never get any kind of injuries, I would get more attention, which could make them realize details that could raise suspicions...

I don't know yet, but for now, I'm happy with this new life.

For now, I'll keep my new dear ones safe and sound as Alex Aoki, and protect my loyal disciples and the sacred Villages as the God of Earth.

The future is yet to come, I'll worry about it when it arrives.

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