Chapter 7

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*Normal POV*

I wake up looking at a white ceiling. Where am I? Oh yeah I passed out and I’m probably in the hospital. I look around to see Liam and Louis in chairs in a chair asleep. Or so I thought. I try to shift my foot so I can turn to find Louis laying on the foot my bed. By moving I woke Louis up who woke Liam up.

“Liam, wake up.” Louis said.

“What Louis?” he asked rubbing his eyes.

“She’s awake?” as Louis said this Liam shot straight up.

“Hello to you both.” I say.

“Jamie, Don’t you ever scare us like that ever again.” Liam says as Louis calls the other boys.

“Sorry.” I whisper.

“If I didn’t go to give you the stuff that you brought back from work and to apologize we would have found you dead in the bathroom floor.” Liam said.

“Jamie, why did you do ‘it’ again I though you promised Harry that you would stop?” Louis asked.

“I met El and I knew why would cheat on me with her. And I didn’t say I would stop I said I would try.” I say.

“Liam can you leave I want to talk to Jamie alone?”

“No you’d hurt her, you’re the reason she’s here in the first place.” He said.

“Li, can you please leave. If anything happens I’ll call you I promise.” I say wanting to hear what Louis had to say.

“Jamie, I’m sorry that cheated on you. I was drunk and mad that night I wasn’t thinking. I know what you are going to say ‘well you decide to stay with her on your own’ well yes I did but she threated to hurt you and I couldn’t risk hurting you. So will you please take me back?” he said. I hesitated. I mean what are the pros and cons of this. Pros: Being happy again, date nights, cute dates, and being with my better half. Cons: He might cheat again, El trying to hurt me, Liam being mad at me or both of us, and hate. What do I choose?

“Louis, I’ll think about it right now I can’t really think about ‘us’ about us right now.” I say. He suddenly planted his lips on mine and I kissed back but remember what I said and pulled away. He looked sad and went to get Liam and came back with Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn. Harry, Niall, and Zayn all give me a group hug. Harry looked like he had been crying all night.

“J-Jamie, you promise me that you would stop.” Harry said

“I didn’t promise I said I would try.”

“Jamie, we almost lost you last night. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you I mean you’re like my little sister now.” Niall said

“You know that we are here for you if you need someone to talk to.” Zayn said I nodded my head yes. Just then the doctor came in and told the boys to leave and ran some test since I had hit my head hard on the floor last night. Then he said that I can go home and to get a lot of rest. I waited for the boys to check me out of the hospital.

 We drive home in silence. I start to go to my room but Harry grabs my arm and takes me to the kitchen. He makes me sit at the table. He gets a plate from the fridge and warms it up in the microwave. When it’s done he put the plate in front of me with my caramel macchiato down in front of me.

“Here.” He says.

“But I’m not hungry.”

“Louis!” he yelled.

“What?” Louis asks when he comes in.

“She won’t eat.” I know what he’s going to do. He places me on his lap and puts a fork full of food, makes me open my mouth, makes, me chew, and makes me swallow the food.

“Now will you eat on your own?” he asked. I nod my head yes not wanting to go through that process again. Soon enough I finish my food and put my plate I the sink. I walk to my room and go on my laptop. And see two messages on from Liam and the other from Louis.

*Messages from Liam*

Li-Jamie listen to ‘Loved You First’ and you know how I feel.

J-Liam, you know that I DON’T feel the same, right?

Li-Yeah but I need you to be with me.

J-No Liam I can’t. I don’t think about you like that and you know that for a fact.

Li- Hold on let me test that theory ;)

*Conversation ended*

*Messages form Louis*

Lo-Listen to ‘Still the One’ and ‘Nobody Compares’

J-Louis, I said that I would think about it.

Lo-But I still love you

J-How do I know that you’re not lying

Lo-Because I wouldn’t have kissed you at the hospital if I was lying

*Conversation ended*

Damn boys are confusing. I hear someone knocking on my door.

“Door’s open.” I say it’s Liam.

“What is this test that you were talking about?” I asked kind of nervous. Liam starts to come closer and pulls me of the bed. Then he kisses me on the lips. I don’t pull away like I did with Louis earlier but I start to kiss back. Liam licks my bottom lip for an entrance. Our lips move in sync. I hear someone clear their throat and I pull away from Liam. It was Harry.

“Well I was going to ask if you guys wanted to go something but I can see that you are busy.” He says smirking at us.

“Theory proved correct.” Liam said in a whisper as he leaves the room. My face burned red with embarrassment. I was going to go downstairs when I hear my phone buzz. I pick it up not checking who it was and putting it my pocket. I walk downstairs to get a snack. Harry’s in the kitchen too. Texting Jessica most likely. I pick up an apple wash it off and start to eat it. I check my phone to see a text an unknown number saying:

Ha! Don’t believe Louis and Liam they don’t love you. They have girlfriends. Louis went back with El and Liam with a girl called Ally Parker. Don’t believe me look for yourself. Oh and I see all I have pictures of you kissing Liam and Louis today and you wouldn’t want that getting out you? Watch your back. -Unknown.

I see two pictures with both boys with the girls that this unknown person mentioned. I dropped my apple. Why am I being blackmailed?

“Jamie, are you ok?” Harry asked.

“Huh? Oh yeah I just have to talk to two idiots.” I say as I start to go to Louis’ room. I knock on the door.

“Come in.” I hear him say. I open the door and walking closing the door behind me.

“When were you planning to tell me that you’re back with El?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” I showed him the picture. He couldn’t respond so I just left. Next is Liam. His door was already open. I walk in and close the door behind me.

“When were you planning to tell me about you having a girlfriend?” I asked him.

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a girlfriend.” He said. I showed him the picture. He was shocked that I caught him red handed. Unbelievable. I left the room. Why would two guys say that they love me, kiss me, and have a girlfriend at the time? And who is this person who is giving me all this information and how did they get my number? I go to my room and grab my MacBook and head to the living room. I sit down on the couch. First I text U.K. (unknown):

Listen bitch idk how you got my number but back the fuck off.

I then open my Mac and search her number online. Nothing, zip, zero, and nada. My phone then buzzes again.

Poor choice of words now you are going to regret saying that. Look on twitter, tumblr, and instgram. Don’t forget I’m watching you always bitch. –Unknown

 Holy shit what the hell is going on. I go on both and see both pictures linked together and already have replies. I am in deep shit.

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