Chapter 25

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“What do you mean we can’t protect you from you?” Harry asked. Louis and I looked at him as if he was stupid.

“C’mon let’s before Paul bits our heads off.” I say pulling them towards the elevator. As soon as we got downstairs we see a very frantic Liam and a pissed Paul. We all acted like perfect little angels on way to the car. I sat in the back next to Niall the subject of his birthday being in two days popped in my head.

“So my little leprechaun what do you want for your birthday?” I asked him poking his side.

“I don’t know food, beer, and Mia.” Niall said. It must be hard for all the boys to be without their girlfriend whereas Louis has me 24/7. I think I know what I’m going to get Niall for his birthday.

*2 Days Later*

“Okay here is the plan. Harry, Zayn you keep Niall distracted until I call you. Do not, and I repeat do not let Niall come home early or get drunk for any reason. Liam you go get all food, drinks, and other party supplies. Louis you will go get Mia from the airport and I have to talk to you in private. Everyone got the plan?” I asked we were quietly talking in Harry’s room which evidently the farthest from the Niall and Liam’s room.

“Harry you are Agent Curly Mofo. Liam you are Agent Wanna Be Woody or triple W for short. Zayn you are Agent Sleepy Quiff. Louis you are Agent Boobear. I am Agent Curly Mccutiekins. Any questions that involve the plans not your code names? No? Good. Agents mission Drunken Leprechaun’s Birthday is a go!” I assigned them their missions and they were off except Louis. Once everyone was gone I shut the door.

“Okay Agent Boobear there is something a little different to your mission then what I told you in front of the other agents. When you pick up the ‘birthday present’ you have to also pick up Dani, Fiona, and Jessica. Got it?” Louis salutes me, kisses me, and then leaves. Today should be a good day.

“Agent Triple W, where are you I need the bloody groceries!” I yelled at Liam through the phone.

“Yeah about that, you see I kind of got myself in a pickle. You see on my way to the market I was spotted by fan and got mobbed, but don’t worry I’m in the store now so I should be home soon.” Liam said all casually.

“Agent Triple W, hurry your arse up I can’t start my part until you are back!”

“Roger Agent Curly Mccutiekins.” He responded and hung up the phone. I called Harry next to see his progress.

“Agent Curly Mofo status report.” I demanded.

“I have gotten Drunken Leprechaun and Agent Sleepy Quiff in disguises and we are at the mall.” He replied.

“Good I’ll call Agent Sleepy Quiff later.” I hung up on Harry because I heard Niall in the background. I was about to call Louis when I got a text from him saying that he got the subjects and is returning to home base a.s.a.p. Good this might go as planned. I put on some music and start to dance.

My dancing is cut short when my phone starts buzzing with a text. I walk over to the counter to see that it’s from Danny. It was from Liam and Louis saying that they are here. Shit I forgot about Liam coming back. Oh well he’ll be the only one to know about his girlfriend. I get up and wait by the door while looking through the peephole. I see Louis’ face appear on the peephole and he covers the hole. Fucker. I open the door, hide behind it. Louis walks in followed by Fiona, Mia, Dani, Liam, and Jessica. Once they are fully in the room I slam the door and they all jumped up and screamed. I started laughing and fell to the floor. As soon as my little laughing fit was over I stood up and put on my best serious face.

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