Chapter 22

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“L-Louis are you okay?” I asked nervously.

“I can’t believe Harry hit you.” He said.

“D-did you hear the story? I mean h-he might have been provoked.” I said. I’ve never seen Louis this mad before it made me scared to be around him. I felt like he would hit me if I said anything wrong.

“Yes he did but that gives his no reason to hit you. I mean you have a bloody bruise on you face because of him.”

“It was my fault I somehow made him snap and then I provoked him to hit me Louis. You can’t be made at him. I don’t want to be the reason that your guy’s friendship is gone. Just don’t be mad at him please? Make amends with him okay?” I say on the verge of tears. Louis must have noticed that I was about to cry because his mood had shifted from anger to a sorry face.

“I-I’m sorry Jamie I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Louis said as he held me close to him. I fell asleep in his arms.

I wake up still in Louis’ arms.

“How much longer?” I asked Louis.

“Oh, um 5 hours left.” Louis replied. I groaned in frustration because I have to entertain myself for 5 fuckin hours.

“Louis can you get my laptop so we can watch movies for the remaining time?” I asked him. He nodded and got my laptop from the overhead compartment. I put on Netflix and watched Mean Girls, Mean Girls 2, White Chicks, Scary Movie, and Pretty Little Liars. Okay the last one wasn’t a movie but it was a marathon. Louis watched all the movies with me but I could tell that he was still mad about the whole Harry slapping me situation.

“Passengers this is your captain speaking. If you could please turn off all your electronics, safely place your belongings back in the overhead compartments, and buckle your seat belts. We are descending in to Australia in five minutes. Thank you.” The voice in the loud speaker said.  I handed my bag to Louis and he put my bag back up in the overhead compartment. He sat down next to me, buckled his seat belt, and held my hand. I hate the churning sensation I get when airplanes descend. Or at least when I descend anyway. This is the first time that I left England and I was ready for my new adventure in Australia.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have landed in Australia. Please be careful as items in the overhead compartments may have shifted during the fight. Thank you for choosing Heathrow Airport.” Said one of the flight attendants. We all waited for everyone to get off the plane before us so we didn’t get mobbed by fans on an airplane. Louis got out and helped me up. I went to grab my bag but Louis got it before me.

“Thank you Louis, but hand me my bag please.” I say with my hand out waiting for him to give it back.

“Never!” Louis screamed and ran out with my bag. I chased after him to get my bag. I ran pass everyone in our group. I sprinted to catch up to him but--- SPLAT. I tripped on air and fell flat on my face.

“Oh my God Jamie are you alright?” Louis ran back to me all worried. You’re the reason I fell dipshit. I heard Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry laughing at me. It really hurt that I could cry. But then it hit me. If I cry I would make them feel bad for laughing at me. I started cry not by force thought it really hurt when I fell. All of them crowed around me still laughing. When they saw that I was crying they instantly felt bad. I started laughing.

“What the hell?” Niall asked as I held onto my sides laughing.

“She tricked us dipshit.” Zayn said. Louis helped me up and we went to baggage claim.

When we got to baggage claim Paul saw us and yelled at us for being late. Paul led us out side and I saw two black vans.

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