Chapter 10

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“Bloody hell Liam what is your problem?” I asked him.

“Nothing I just wasn’t in the mood to have fun with you.” He spat back at me.

“Oh look food.” Niall said leaving.

“Oh look a mirror.” Zayn said going to his room.

 “Louis if you leave I will murder you on your sleep.” I said grabbing his wrist.

“Now Liam, I’m sorry but I wanted to help out my friend. I can’t believe you just left us there.” I said.

“Jamie, you don’t understand just go back to your abusive step mum.” He replied.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” I say as hot tears start to stream down my face, “you cannot say that I don’t understand. Do you know what it feels like to have your mum die when you’re very little? Do you know how it feels to have a step mum that beats the life out of you every day? Do you know how it feels when your dad dies after committing suicide? Do you know how it feels to get into a fight with your dad before he committed suicide and blaming it on yourself for the rest of your life? Do you know how it feels to have one of the main reasons to be living shipped off to another country and get killed? Do you know how it feels to be bullied by your own family, blood related or not, but to the point to where you don’t want to live anymore? No you don’t, if anything you have your life made! So don’t you dare pull that ‘You don’t understand’ bullshit on me ever again!” I replied as Louis started to hold me.

“J-Jamie I’m so sor—” he starts to say. I just fall to the floor and cover my eyes while Louis is still holing me. He has the audacity to say that I don’t understand. Bullshit. What he’s saying that I don’t understand is about love. I hate him.

“Jamie, come on let’s go to bed.” Louis says as he taking me to his room.

“Shh babe it’s okay. Liam’s just a big twat.” Louis said trying to comfort me. I nod my head as a reply to his statement.

 “Let’s get some sleep love, the boys and I have an interview tomorrow. It’s your choice if you want to go with us.”

“I’ll stay here tomorrow I have some errands to run anyway.”

“Okay. Good night Jamie.”

“Good night Louis.” Soon after I fall asleep with Louis holding me.

I wake up to the sun shining on my face.

“Louis, close the window.” I say covering my face with his pillow. No answer. 

“Louis.” I say again with the same result. I feel around the bed. Maybe he’s downstairs. I get out of his bed but see a note from Louis.

Hey babe, just in case you don’t remember the lads and I are at an interview and have we have to go record at the studio. Call us if you need anything. We’ll be home around dinner time. Love you lots Louis xx.

 Yay, I have the whole day to myself. Note the sarcasm in my voice. Well I did tell Louis that I had things to do today. I’ll go to the grocery store and the art store. I might go to work to get my pay check and get some more hours done. Then I could get lunch and get things for dinner. Okay here’s my to do list: work, lunch, art store, market, and make dinner. Yay a productive day. Again note the sarcasm in m voice. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and run a brush through my hair. I put on some jean shorts with purple stockings under, a purple tee shirt, and some purple slip on vans. I grab my phone, laptop, and iPod. I put them in my side bag and grab the car keys. I think­­­ I grabbed Louis’ car keys. Oh well. I clicked the keys and it was Louis’ car. I hop into his car. On the way to work I was think about my fight with Liam. I did provoke the prick so technically my fault. But he didn’t have to leave us stranded and almost made Mia get a ticket and me almost get arrested. I pull into the Starbucks employ parking. I walk and see Mariah and Johnny talking.

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