Chapter 15

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“Are we there yet?” I asked for the billionth time.

“Jamie just shut the fuck up.” They all yelled. I pouted and started playing on my phone.

“Jamie we’re here.” Said Louis trying to get me to get out of the car. I followed him out of the car. He went to get a trolley and when he wasn’t paying attention so I climbed into the baby section for kids. Surprising I fit in there perfectly. When Louis turned back around he was surprised. He and the lads started cracking up. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn took pictures and posted them on twitter. My phone went off five times. I picked it up out of my pocket to see five new mentions on twitter.

@Real_Liam_Payne: What is @Jamie_Styles doing in the trolley?

@Louis_Tomlinson: Aww look at my little baby @Jamie_Styles

@Harry_Styles: I knew that @Jamie_Styles was my little cousin but how little is she?

@NiallOfficial: @Jamie_Styles When did you get in there?

@zaynmalik: Aw my best friend got in trouble and had to be put in the trolley @Jamie_Styles

“I want food Louis.” I said holding my stomach.

“Jamie, you literally just had a box full of food, junk food to be exact, how the hell are you hungry?” Louis asked pushing the trolley toward the pharmacy. I shrugged. We ran into a couple of fans and stopped to take pictures with them. Well Louis stopped to take pictures with them. Since they were older fans they didn’t like me. I was playing on my 3ds when Louis finished taking pictures. He stopped in front of the counter.

“Hello I’m here to pick up a prescription for Jamie Styles?” Louis soft sexy voice said. Wait did I just say sexy. I can’t belie--- Oh look toys.

“Louis I wanna go play with the toys please?” I said trying to get out of the trolley but failing.

“After I get your meds.” He said putting the little kid seat belt.

“No I wanna go now.” I said as Louis was handed the meds. He was pushing me towards the toys.

“Yay!” I shouted.

“Jamie, next time you’re about to finish your meds tell me beforehand because you are like a little kid when you’re off the pill.” Louis stated.

“That’s why you love me.” I said with a smirk. We passed the stuff animals and I say a giant pig that looked so cute.

“Oh my god look there is a giant pig I have to get it.” I somehow managed to jump out of the trolley, grab the pig, ran back in the trolley, and sat back down. The pig was purple and had wings.

“Let make a deal, if you behave then I’ll buy you the pig and a lollipop.” Louis said to get me to behave they usually had to bribe me. I nodded and shut up playing with the pig the whole time Louis was shopping. When Louis got in line I put the pig down and put a lollipop next to it because of his promise. Louis and I had a race back to the car. Although I was in the trolley we did it anyway.

“I win!” I shouted as I somehow managed to stop the trolley and avoided getting hit by cars. Everyone was already in the car waiting for us. I helped Louis unload the trolley and grabbed my pig and lollipop. I sat next to Zayn and Louis.

“You bribed her again didn’t you?” Zayn asked looking at the pig. Louis nodded his head.

“Psst Jamie here.” Zayn passed me a plastic bag that had crisp, a bottle of soda, and loads of candy.

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