Chapter 12

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*Normal POV*

I don’t remember when but I fell asleep last night. I checked the time it was almost lunch time. That’s weird it’s quite, too quite. I start to walk out my room but see a note from Harry. It read:

‘Hey cuz we didn’t want to wake you but we have recording, an interview, and we’re filming a music video today. We’ll see you later. Bye love you.’

 Wow another productive day. Well I could always go see Gemma and Auntie Anne. I go to the closet and set out my clothes. I put a turquoise tee shirt, cut skinny jeans, turquoise TOMS, and a turquoise beanie. I take a shower after I make myself brunch. I put my laptop and phone to charge. I run downstairs to see a big mess.

“Boys, can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” I said as I sighed. I started to pick up all the food wrappers and toss them in the trash. I went to get the vacuum and paper towels.

“Damn pigs I swear.” I muttered under my breath. I vacuum the floor and start swearing under my breath. Once that’s done I wipe down the tables with the paper towels. Once I was done I made myself a microwave because there is no need for me to cook food. I grab my laptop, phone, and my portable art supplies. I wrote a note and texted the boys to tell them where I was going to be until they came home. I also packed extra clothes just in case they took too long. I called Gemma and asked if I could come over but not to tell her mum so I can surprise her. She said it was okay. I walked outside to check the mail before I left. There is a letter for me with El’s name in the return address. Uh oh this can’t be good. Louis had one too. I stuffed the letter in my bag and put the rest of the mail inside. I took my bike to her house so I could get fresh air.

About twenty minutes later I arrived at Auntie Anne’s flat. I knocked on the door. I thought it would be funny to cover the peep hole so I did and talk like Harry.

“Who is it?” Gemma asked me.

“Gemma, open the door it’s me Harry.” I said trying not to laugh.

“Jamie, nice try.” She said as she opened the door.

“Nice to see you too cuz.” I replied.

“Gemma who’s at the door?” Auntie Anne asked. Gemma ushered me inside.

“It’s just Jamie mum.”

“Oh thanks now I feel less special.” I joked.

“I didn’t mean it like that.”  Anne came into the hallway and saw that Gemma wasn’t joking.

“Oh hello love, how are you?” Anne asked,

“Good Auntie, I just finished cleaning the boys’ massive mess that they let as a present for me this morning.” I said.

“How massive was the mess?”

“Crumbs, wrappers, crisp bits, and juice stains everywhere. I was going to go absolutely mental after I saw the mess.”

“I would have left the mess for them to clean themselves.” Gemma stated as her mum left the room.

“Honestly I tried but it was hard.” I replied.

“Wow you have some serious issues.”

“Gemma, Louis’ ex-girlfriend sent me a letter and I’m debating if I want to open it.”

“Open it, it could be an apology letter.”

“I’ll open it right now.” I grab the letter from my bag an rip it open. I read it out loud so Gemma could hear it. 

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