Chapter 10: Survival

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Paige's POV

This was going to be a long journey ahead. I remember the ride was long when we drove to the kidnapper's house. You know how the internet makes the forest look perfect and artsy, well it wasn't in my case. Luckily I still had my phone. Or was that lucky? What if I was being tracked down? I start to move in a running matter, and then come to a halt. I then realized I would be scarred for life from this experience. Paranoia was going to take over.

The sky was gloomy and cloudy to fit my mood perfectly. I knew I'd have to eat something eventually and my stomach was growling. I wanted to eat berries, but after seeing the Hunger Games, it's not a risk I would take. How about some chicken? Where would I find a chicken in this vast, terrifying, arena like place? I'll have to admit it truly felt the Hunger Games, and just thinking about the title made me grow a greater hunger. Where would I find food? Maybe a rabbit would do, but it looks quite disgusting to devour a cute cuddly creature that I once had as a pet.

I pick up a rock and decide that it will play as my weapon. I have to wait awhile for any creature to come. Eventually I throw it at an upcoming bunny in the clearing that is up ahead. Not a surprise that I miss and hit the tree far from it. The bunny practically looked back at me and laughed. It made me so aggravated that I grabbed another one from the tiny pile and chucked it harder and faster than before. My aim was much closer, but still I barely missed the target. The rock touched the tiny floppy ears ever so slightly. That white hopping thing will get a piece of my mind. I threw one more rock at a closer distance and wounded the little creature. When I saw it almost dead on the floor I nearly cried. What if its family was now upset like me for the lost of a family member? I was just the same as the kidnapper. I decided to make a memorial for the furry friend with a few ugly flowers, since it's all that was in this place. Maybe berries will be fine.

I grabbed a couple berries that looked and smelled like blueberries and raspberries- my favorite- and headed on my way. By now the early morning, gloomy sky was replaced with an even darker noon sky. I sat down on the itchy grass to devour the delicious berries. Sure they were wild and a bit dirty, but it's survival and I'm starving. I took out the water purifier I made previous and took a sip of the fresh stream water. I enjoyed every last drop. I needed to move faster if I were to make it. I knew he/she/it was still out to get me to make its billionth kill of the week. I had to fall asleep on the grass to take a little nap.
After a long rest I woke up from a nightmare. I could vividly remember each part of it. I was back with my family- which I thought was good- but then I saw the kidnapper. My mother told me to not be alarmed since he would be my new father. Then a wedding took place. My mother jubilant as could be, and yet she knew nothing and would believe nothing that a teen would say. Brooke was clueless as well, and there I stood not being able to speak or move, being forced to participate in this awful dream.

I woke up in a shock. I was shaking in fear. I had to continue my journey so I headed straight. I saw a "Welcome to Pittsburgh" sign on the road, on my right in the distance, which meant my two and a half day expedition to find home was going according to plan. I had to give a grin with the thought that I could actually be home shortly and was heading on the right path. I sat down on a pile of scattered dried up leaves from the winter's cold chill and ate my 'dinner.' Blueberries and raspberries aren't so pleasing and filling at night. I've only packed enough berries for another meal, so I had to gather more materials.

The water was also extremely low, so I would have to find a stream or river. The problem was the the nearest one I know of is far back, and if I went back, I could die. Maybe I'd find one coming up, so I continue again. Man, I never knew that a woods adventure could feel so monotonous and terrifying. In movies they look like the time of your life. I heard a voice in the distance.

"Where is she?" It was the voice of it. The kidnapper. I try to run as fast and silently as possible. I had a huge head start- but that didn't matter. The odds were great in me escaping, but I was very good at getting the slimmer odds. I scurry towards a landscape of cut trees and logs. It was completely littered and bugs were surrounded everywhere. I went so rapidly that I didn't notice the cut log ahead of myself and skimmed my knee. My arm gushes blood from the rock it landed on, but I keep running. The one thing in my mind is on replay.

"If I die his sacrifice would be a waste."

I hear footsteps creep louder and louder as I think the kidnapper is getting closer. I can't run any faster due to the fact that the blood is trickling down my leg. Eventually the pain is so unbearable that I just sit down. The noise of the crunching twigs grows louder.

"It's over just take me." I whisper as a tear trickles down my cheek.

An: Hello! Hope you liked it. Can we get 31 likes? It's going to be hard but I think we can achieve it. How about 325 views and 12 comments? I think we can do it! I'll post the next one once I get my goals.

Dance moms: Amber Alert ( a Paige Hyland, Chloe Lukasiak, Maddie Ziegler, Kenzie Ziegler, Kalani Hillker, Brooke Hyland, Nia Frazier, Kendall Vertes fanfic) ~DM AWARDS WINNER!!!Where stories live. Discover now