Part 5

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We watch as she comes across it and can see it flow red, she sees it as well and picks it up.

I decide to inform her, opening a portal small enough not to be seen but can be heard through. "Himiko, during every Game there will be the blood of a Random Survivor placed at a different spot around the map, also, your Ex is dead, check the Hook"

I close it and turn to Mom.

"It's a pity he dies first, his Perk allowed him to bleed and she would be distracted by it, allowing him 5-20 seconds to escape. The Doctor is immune to her Hooked Perk and her Brother has a Reverse Perk. He makes her hunger for his blood to the point she'll ignore the others after hitting him and drawing blood. Her mother doesn't have a unique Perk"

"You really have done well, I'm almost jealous"

"Don't try that Mom, you have tons of unique and powerful Killers, Powers and Perks, I just used the basic ones they can all collect"

The next one was the Doctor who was Hooked, the Mother was the one to get him off it and they came across a disguised Himiko pretending to be her Ex.

"Jeremy? You're here too!?" Doctor asks.

"Of course I am Philip, anyone know why we're here?" Himiko replies.

"Himiko brought us here, anyone else? What of your son Amanda?"

"I think I saw Ronnie, but he vanished when I tried to catch up to him" Amanda says sadly.

"I heard screams earlier, maybe she got him?" Himiko suggests, faking a worried face.

"Maybe, keep your guards up, I have no idea what she'll do next" Philip says.

They split up, always a bad move and Himiko tracks down the Doctor again.

She jumps him and transforms to reveal herself, still clothed, and Hooks him again.

He dies this time and she heads around a few Generators, finding a few had progress, she hits them and they regress a bit.

She finds her Brother and Mother paired up and cuts her Moher while going after her Brother and finds herself enraged as she chases him. He let's out a squeal of terror...

"Did he just...?"

"He did" Mom says.

We lose our cool and howl with laughter while watching him.

She kills him without a Hook and goes back to where she hurt her Mother.

She follows the trail and finds her at the Generator nearby.

She uses the Blood Bag drop and turns into her Brother and runs, falling to the ground in a panic.

"Damn it Ronnie! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Amanda whispers furiously.

"Sorry, I think I lost her though" Himiko responds.

They work on the Generator and fix it, Amanda turns around to head to a different one when Himiko changes back and cuts her again.

Tis time she falls into the Dying State and is put on a Hook.

Each corpse is revived by the campfire and I erase their memories and reshuffle the Perks.

I absorb and eat the emotion gathered during the Game, feeling myself grow more powerful. It felt amazing.

I teleport Himiko here and she sits with four liters of Blood and a happy smile, a look of peace on her face as she drank.

"So now you experienced your _irst game I'll explain the tree Unique Perks you saw or didn't see. Your Ex had a Perk that if you cut hima nd he escaped, to would be hypnotised for 5-20 seconds, the Doctor was immune to your Hooked Perk and your Brother had a Reverse Perk as I call it. Once you cut him you were stuck chasing him, erased and hungering for his Blood only. You get stuck in that state till either they escape or for 39 seconds"

"And my Mother?"

"She didn't have a Unique Perk, though I was thinking of a Perk to see through your Disguise. But instead I'm telling you the Perks, and the fact they'll be shuffled every round"

"Add the Disguise one too, at least for a little while, for fairness"

"You seem awfully chill... Even though you just killed four people" Mom says.

"I got a lot of baggage handled, and I have Blood, I'm happy"

"And I'm happy to hear that Himiko, I've wiped their memories of the Game and after a few hours they'll be back in a relatively peaceful state for another round"

I get to training in hand to hand combat with Himiko, who has a few good tips for me to learn. Side on for less area to be seen, turn with the punch for more force. Be light on my feet for agility and ground myself if I want to tank a hard blow.

Great stuff to know.

Basic stuff, but useful to make a good foundation for fighting.

Mom goes to oversee her stuff and Himiko has another round before bed, I eat and feel the amount a tad less than the last time. The Emotional Intensity is less, like Mom explained to me.

For the next three months Himiko and I train me for UA and she gets 3 new Survivors and a new Perk in the mix.

I also made contact with Nezu in this time, explaining the Game and Himiko's part in it.

He was all for it since it helped Himiko and punished the real Villains without Innocents being hurt.

He also made me a new identity as William Afton, the son of Emilia Afton, Widow of the late Carl Afton.

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