Part 13

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I open a Portal and the Fragments come out.

"I am #1, the First Fragment"

"I am #2, the Second Fragment"

"I am #3, the Third Fragment"

"I am #4, the Fourth Fragment"

I grow my Crown, having retracted it for the explanation. "I am William Afton, the Original Body, and Lord of the Realm of Thorns, Son of the Entity, and the one of the two people you don't want to piss off"

They sit there stunned for a moment to digest my announcement.

Nice crown kiddo" Mic calls.

"Thanks, got it after having my entire skeleton ripped out, except for the face of my skull" I smile showing I'm not upset by the fact he didn't know. "It didn't hurt so much as it was disorienting. Super pain tolerance is nice, being a pile of flesh? Not so much... Anyways, I'm heading into my Core Realm to make Killers or Survivors from today's Villains"

The five of me walk through the still open portal and it closes behind me.

"So what did you tell them?" Mom asks.

"Most of the basic stuff, but I only said you are my mother and more powerful than me... Oh and unlike you I don't need the Emotions to survive"

"How do you think they took it?"

"I dunno really, Mic was the first to speak and commented on my nice crown. I think a few will call for an arrest warrant. But I can just vanish to the Killer Grounds World should I have to"

"Always good to have a backup plan Izuku. Anyways, I came to visit because you need new worlds for your new Fragments to link to, otherwise they'll fade"

"Ok, how about some more... Exotic planet types?"

Mom tapped her chin for a moment before snapping her fingers and opening a Warp Gate and walking through. I follow and find Mom had brought me to a city that looked like it was made of smog and industrial buildings.

"This is a city you may be familiar with, Gotham"

"Wait... As in Batman?"

"Yep, but I was thinking we take some of his Villains while we're here"

I was almost giddy with excitement and opened a Portal and my Fragment heads into it, it's another Realm of Thorns Sub Realm for this World, Anchoring my existence here as well. I open the Wormhole between here and my Home World before letting it seal and expanding my senses.

"Hmm... Let's see... I don't think I want Joker, he'll be demanding for Batman as his Survivor. Captain Freeze isn't so much a Villain so much as an Anti Nice Guy... Killer Croc! He's in the Sewers, I'll get him later... Aha! Found you Scarecrow~" I Shadow Step to him, knowing Mom will be observing from a distance.

"Who the hell are you!?" Scarecrow demands, waving his needles threateningly.

"I'm someone who has an offer for you... I'm from a different dimension. I have these Games I think you'll find quite enjoyable, one Killer, Four Survivors. A Power and three Perks to go with your Fear Toxin and the Survivors will have Perks to resist... Interested?" I ask, letting off a sinister aura.

"Hmm... Why did you choose me of all the Villains in Gotham?"

"I'll also be going to Croc, but Joker's too demanding, he'll want Batman as his Survivor, Catwoman's a Robin Hood, Penguin's annoying, Captain Freeze isn't a Villain so much as he just wants a cure. Clayface I'm thinking on. Ivy is too... Plant fanatical... And Harley is too dumb"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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