Part 12

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"You will be explaining just what happened down there to the faculty Afton"

"Of course, as long as All Might is not there, he has already displayed multiple times that he finds me unfit to be a Hero for my Quirk"

"I'll send notice to Nezu"

We walk out of the USJ to find the class ready to fight and I am actually impressed.

"You're all ready to fight instead of relaxing, stupid, but understandable" Aizawa states.

"What happened in there sir?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"I happened, I dealt with the Villains, now I have to explain myself to the Teachers. I'll open a Portal to get you all to the Dorms" I open a Portal. "Keep your eyes shut... My Quirk revolves around Horror so the things you'll see... Are horrifying"

They all walk through, I groan and wrap the area the Portals are in in darkness and fog.

I grab a hold of the two teachers and Shadow Step to the Main Building at UA.

"Let's get this over with"

I follow them into the building and to a conference room the teachers were already in.

"UA has been closed down Afton, students are back in their dorms, after the attack we felt it necessary to protect the students" Nezu explains when I look to him enquiring about classes.

"Alright, now do you all know why you are here?" I ask as I stand at the end of the table and pull out my phone and connect it to the TV.


"I did, Nezu, why is the Quirkist Teacher here?"


"You said you were going to disqualify me from attending UA because of my Villainous Quirk on my acceptance letter"


"I know Nezu overrode your descision to disqualify me, I've been in touch with him for months now. Anyways, I did foil the Attack, but I did it in a way that most would arrest me for. I used a part of my Quirk only Nezu and Aizawa know of"

"Let him listen Afton, tue others will tell him anyways" Nezu says from the end of the table.

"You killed them?" Midnight asks, shocked.

"Yes... But they're still alive, I sent them into my Quirk and respawned them. I have a Game in my Quirk, my Quirk is a Realm called Realm of Thorns, inside it I am God. I have a game called Hide and Seek, more commonly known by the participants as Dead By Daylight"

"That sound scary, what is it about?" Mic asks, looking in edge.

"I have five people in each arena, One called a Killer and Four called Survivors, they need to avoid the Killer and Fix Generators around the Game area. Once those and fixed the exit Gate is opened and the Survivors escape, to win"

"What if they can't avoid the Killer?"

"The Killer kills them, they die and I erase the game from there memories and return them to the Campfire, a safe haven to recover. I eat the Emotions they feel during the Game"

"Sorry... Did you say kill, then you bring them back to life?"

"Yep, but they have to have my brand on them, otherwise it won't work"

I connect to the TV and show my brand before bringing up Himiko's most recent Game.

"Is that Himiko Toga?!" Midnight asks.

"Himiko Afton you mean, I adopted her, she takes he form of a child around me and calls me Papa, she was abused mentally and emotionally due to her Quirk. She needs blood to stay sane, but she was never allowed to have it, so I recruited her and her Survivors. Her mother, who ignored her needs, her brother who taunted her with blood, the Doctor who lied about her need for blood and her ex boyfriend, who manipulated her by letting her drink his blood for favours. Controlling her"

I let them watch the Game in silence, explaining each part of the Game as it shows up.

I also explained the Perks and Powers.

"So you at least give the Survivors a chance to counter her"

"Yep, it also gives me more food"

"You mentioned earlier that you eat the Emotions. What do you mean?"

"I literally eat emotions, Mom eats them to live and grow stronger, I eat them to grow stronger, I don't need to eat to sustain myself. The more intense, the better, the Games create Killer's Rage, Survivors Fear of death, Desperation to Survive and Hope to escape"

"So what would you say your power level is?"

"Considering I just beat a creature designed to kill All Might with my Fragments and a dysfunctional army of Villains with my Killers... Pretty untouchable"

The Teachers look at me in fear and look scared.

All Might, Nezu and Aizawa look unperturbed.


"No you literally can't, most would give up for fear of pain, the rest because they don't want to die, I cannot die and my pain tolerance is astronomical"

I finish explaining the Game and then someone asks the question I was they'd ask.

"What are those Claws?" Cementos asks.

"Those are me, there is a different me in every Sub Realm of the Realm of Thorns. When I gain enough energy i can divide my power and Fragment, literally split in half Physically, Mentally and Emotionally, but all connected to a Hive Mind"

I open a Portal and the Fragments come out.

"I am #1, the First Fragment"

"I am #2, the Second Fragment"

"I am #3, the Third Fragment"

"I am #4, the Fourt Fragment"

I grow my Crown, having retracted it for the explanation. "I am William Afton, the Original Body, and Lord of the Realm of Thorns, Son of the Entity, and the one of the two people you don't want to piss off"

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