Part 8

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I return to the Realm of Thorns and eat the Emotions that's gathered from my Games, feeling the energy fill me I know I'm ready.

'Mom! I think I have enough to Fragment' I send down a Telepathic Link.

She appears and I feel her scan me.

"You are ready, to Fragment will be painful for a while since it's a new experience, like a muscle"

I feel her mind reach towards mine and push a bit of information into my mind, I can feel as my body wants to tear apart as this information takes it's place in my mind.


I can feel as my body tears, it's a burning, stabbing feeling, my body is splitting physically and mentally.

The mental pain is what she must have meant, I can't properly describe it... It's painful, but as my mind is torn in two it's repairing itself quickly so the pain isn't as bad as it could be...

Falling to the ground I feel my regeneration kick in and heal the literal half of my body that was torn off.

I'm... Experiencing existence from two sides, in one, the Fragment's view, is a bit dumber than mine.

"This is... Confusing..." I say from the Original Body. "I'm the Original"

I lessen the connection between us and feel myself centre in my Original body.

I stand and look at Mom who had tears in her eyes.

"I... Feel so proud! My baby's first Fragment!" She jumps and brings both of us in for a hug and we hug her back.

"Now, I'm going to take you to my favourite universe haunt for Killers"

I look to my Copy and he nods as he backs off from the hug with me and goes to observe the Games.

Mom opens a weird wormhole looking thing, I analyse file that information away for later use.

"Relax Izuku, it makes the journey easier" Mom says as we get sucked into the wormhole.


It spits us out and I fly into a wall.

"Oof... Urgh, not my favourite way to travel" I groan, feeling nauseous.

"It takes a bit of getting used to but it's quick"

"That felt like hours"

"But the original way I travelled was literally swimming through the Void, not a fun experience since it took years to get any sort of distance"

I expand my senses and can feel many pockets of Killing Intent around the country, my range is boosted.

"What type would you like to add to your Games this time Izuku?"

"First I had Himiko, then the Band, just added Chucky... Serial Vamp Killer, Animatronic Band, Killer Doll... Maybe something more Monstrous?"

"I have the perfect choice, a Demogorgon hive is in Canada around this time of year, they enjoy my visits"

I change into Shadow Toy and Shadow Step, following Mom's signature to Canada, it was a mountain town area with heavy forest area and rocky places for caves and losing pursuers.

Mom let's off a scream, it was definitely not human.

I translated it to.

"I Have Returned For New Players!"

For a moment it surprised me but then I remember that languages are no boundry for me, Mom's learnt and transfered all of them to me.

"How do I speak to them? I doubt I can speak Demogorgon" I whisper, knowing a Demogorgon's hearing wouldn't catch it yet.

"I gave you the innate ability to translate all the languages in existence, including the ability to speak them. It may be a bit rough on the throat at first but you'll adapt"

I hear a wall of noise and return screeches as a Herd of Demogorgons arrive.

"Entity, It Has Been A Fairly Long Time Since You Last Visited... I Smell There Are Two Here" The biggest one says, sniffing around.

"I Have Adopted A Child As My Own, He Has His Own Games, Though, New As Of This Past Four Months, Already Has Six Killers Thus Far, He Has Had His First Fragmenting. I Brought Him Before You For A Seventh Killer And To Anchor To This World"

"A Youngling... Any volunteers?" He calls into the Herd.

"How About Me?" One male asks, much smaller with a younger voice, a teen perhaps.

(This gives a good view on the Demogorgon appearance and noise, as well as physical ability)

(The size is the same, the Herd leader is the size of the Troll from Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone)

I look him up and down and smile.

"Physical Fitness Level Looks Fair For A Demogorgon, Teeth Look Like They've Been Well Managed, What's Your Hearing Like?"

"I Can Hear A Mouse Heartbeat From 30 Meters"

"Reasonably High Then, Hmm... What Sort Of Survivor Do You Prefer?"

"Smart.. I Like Hunting The Smart Ones We Find, Tricky And Actually Puts Up A Challenge"

"So A Military Veteran, I Have A Few Ideas On That, What's Your Name?"

"We Don't Have Names, Demogorgon Will Suffice,We Can Sense The Intent You Have Of Who You Are Trying To Communicate With"

"I Think You'll Do Well In The Games Pal, You're In, Anyone You Want To Bring With You?"

Another Demogorgon steps forward to speak, a female.

"I'm Going Too, We're Mates, I Have The Same Survivor Preferences To Him" She says.


I open a Portal and they head into it, it's a Realm of Thorns Sub Realm for this World, Anchoring my existence here. I open a Wormhole between here and my Home World that is self powering, using it's own gravitational force to generate power to keep itself open.

It's a different setup to Mom, she keeps her Realms separate but I want my Killers to have a life outside of the Games if they desire it.

"Thank You All For Your Consideration, I'll Be Coming Back And Forth Between These World So I May Visit Again" I inject thanks and humbleness into my tone as I Shadow Step to another place I wanted to go.

I come out into a Military Base Prison, I'd sensed the Killing Intent here and felt the Masculine and Calculating Aura I peek into their minds as I spoke to the Demogorgons let me know try were the type they liked.

I snatch them with a few portals, there were a few dumb o es and a few smart in the mix.

I also randomly collect various everyday Survivors and a few German children that had heavy conditioning from their orphanage to be horrible people. I knew they couldn't be deconditioned so they'll be for Chucky.

After a hard day's work, Fragmenting and getting new Killers I head home and my Fragment takes over the Sub Realm, he'll be feeding me the Emotions as they come.

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