Chapter 55

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"Mr. Barnes?" looking up from his phone seeing the ballet instructor waving him over. Standing up seeing the class along with Willow standing in the center looking sad. Kicking his shoes off to not mess up the floor as he walks through the little door. Walking over see the girls back away from him as he gets closer to Willow.

Squatting down to look at her face "Whats wrong pumpkin?" speaking quietly to her. Watching her hands circle on her belly "Your tummy hurts?" bringing the back of his hand up using his knuckles to graze over her belly. "Ya" whispering to him seeing her about to cry "Why are you crying?"

"I'm going to miss class" looking up to the instructor. 'This child and her ballet' internally shaking his head "It's okay to miss a class pumpkin, you need to feel 100% to be a good ballernia" giving her cheek a small pinch. "Come on lets go home, relax, maybe take a nap" not letting her choose as he scoops her up as her head immedialty falls to rest on his shoulder.

"We'll see you soon Willow, everyone say bye to Willow" the whole class waving and shouting bye to Willow as Bucky goes back to the front sliding his shoes. "Does anything else hurt?" rubbing his thumb over her thigh as he walks to the car. Her head shaking on his shoulder "Okay, maybe you ate too much" grabbing her little hand bringing it up kiss it.

Unlocking the car as he moves to the backseat. Pulling her to put in the carseat "Daddy?" holding her right in front of him "Yes pump-" his jaw dropping as she vomits all over him.

Looking at her as she looks at him, finally dragging his eyes and chin down as he looks at himself seeing it all over his shirt. "Sorry daddy" immedailty shaking his head "No, do not be sorry, when you throw up its nothing to say sorry about everyone throws up" holding her straight out not knowing what to do.

"Do you think you're going to throw up again?" watching her shake her head "Okay, I'm going to put you in the car and then we're going to go home." stepping closer to the car as he sets her in doing the best he can to buckle her without getting vomit on her or in the car.

Stepping back closing the door looking down at him seeing the brown vomit covering his black shirt. Stepping to the trash can as he puts on hand behind his head lifting the shirt over his head. keeping it all off of him. Not even bothering to care about a shirt as he throws it away. "No wonder she has three kids with you" a woman noting as she passes him.

Rolling his eyes as he walks around the car getting into the driver seat looking back at Willow seeing her still not looking good, "Are we going swimming?" chuckling to her "No, we are not going swimming, we are going to go home and give you a bath and take a nap."

"Come on pumpkin, let go so I can get you in the tub" trying to get her to unlock her arms around his neck. Sighing as she doesn't budge. Pushing himself up as he moves to the master bathroom. Turning on the water as he pulls his shoes, socks, and pants off as he tries to not fall over.

Stepping himself into the bathtub slowly sitting down letting the water rise around them. Rubbing his hand up and down her back letting the warm water relax her to feel better. "Where's mommy?"

"Mommy is with Atlas and Ava out eating with your aunts." kissing the top of her head as she now slide down to lay on his chest. "She is on her way home, she wants to make sure you are okay" reaching over grabbing a wash cloth soaking it and then covering her in it to help her stay warm.

Resting his head back on the edge of the tub hoping that this passes by and was just too much food. "Daddy?" Willow soft voice floating to his ears "Yes pumpkin?"

"Can we nap together?" smiling at her question "Of course, just a few more minutes" patting her bottom as he lets them rest a little longer in the tub together.

"You need to be quiet, your sister doesn't feel good" Maddie whispering to Ava as she holds the knob of the front door. Bringing her hand up covering her mouth as she replies back "Okay, I'll be quiet" smiling as she opens the door as Ava steps carefully inside looking around the room "Where's Willow?" whispering as she tries to look under the couch "I don't know" listen to hear anything but only hearing the AC.

Walking into the master bedroom putting Atlas down in the bassinet to continue his nap. Grabbing the baby monitor as she closes the door and crosses the hall to Willow room. Carefully opening the door peering in feeling her ovaries about to combust for the scene in front of her.

Bucky laying on the tiny bed with Willow curled up under his arm with her hand holding his face and a tiny little blanket covering her and part of Bucky chest. Walking over getting down on her hands and knees laying the back of her hand on Willow skin feeling her cool skin.

Leaning over kissing the side of her head and then leaning forward more to kiss Bucky cheek. Smiling as she carefully leaves.

Closing the door as she moves back to the living room seeing the fridge door open, "He left the fridge open?" mumbling to herself as she moves to kitchen seeing Ava takign everything out of the fridge "Oh really now?" crossing her arms as she sees Ava sitting on one of the shelves looking at her as she tries to eat an avocado.

Cheesing with her little teeth bitting into her lower lip as she smiles at her "cado" holding it up to her "If you go potty I'll make you some chip and guac" dropping the avocado as she runs to her room to go use her potty. Quickly picking everything up putting it back as she waits for Ava knowing she won't be coming back out because she is going to fall asleep on the toilet.

Grabbing her pump and a glass of water as she sets it up on the couch getting everything ready. Heading to Willow and Ava bathroom finding Ava asleep on her little toilet with her knees on her legs and her head in her hands.

Lifting her up off the toilet pulling her panties up as she carries her to her little bed. Laying her down and tucking her in before sneaking out of the bedroom closing the door.

Flipping kn the couch turning the tv on as she gets her pumps situated on her breasts. "And this is just going to take up more space" sighing as she watched the milk begin to fill the container.

Hearing a door open as she looks to see Bucky walking out with Willow still in his arms now awake. "Hi baby"

"Hi mommy" giving her a small wave before leaning away from Bucky to be in Maddie arms. "Hold on" turning off the pump and slowly removing them to not cause anything to splash. 

Bucky setting her down in her lap as she cuddles up to Maddie "there you go enjoy your mommy" leaning over kissing Maddie as he collects the pumps to store all the milk.

"How you feeling?" Resting the back of her hand on her forehead "tired" quietly answering "You want to take another nap?" Seeing her little sad tired sick eyes look up to her nodding her head. "Okay let's take another nap" kissing her head as she turns them to lay on the couch with Willow laying on her chest.

Looking up at the ceiling waiting for Bucky to come into view to talk to him without having to yell.

Approaching the couch looking down seeing Maddie looking to him. "How has she been doing?" Whispering to him to let her sleep "Seems to be doing good, she just really tired"

"Ava has been fine so hopefully it's like what you said and that she just ate too much" nodding his head as he moves to sit on the couch next to her head "Hopefully, I guess we'll find out tomorrow after some dinner and a full nights of sleep" resting his on her face cupping the right side of her face.

"Atlas is going to be up in like an hour. I doubt he is going to take it but try the bottle again and just see" her tone and eyes showing just how tired she is of the constant breastfeeding. "I'll try my best to give you a break" smiling down as she closes her eyes at the sound of Willow tiny snore coming into play.

I'm going to try and write tomorrow to get you loves a few more chapters. I spent all day today running errands that I had no time for for the past month. Also if you haven't seen on my profile I am working on getting myself a boyfriend because this bitch is tired of being single! Wish me luck my friend is making me try and ask him out on a date when I go to work Thursday.


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