Chapter 89

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"You almost ready pumpkin?" calling out as he feeds Atlas. "2 more minutes daddy!" calling out from the bedroom "Okay, we have to leave in 5 minutes" seeing only had about an ounce left in his bottle. Maddie walking out from the nursery after putting away the laundry "So I was thinking" walking over to sit on the couch, Bucky looking at her breasts about to fall out of the top 'Thank you Atlas' 

"What were you thinking?" following her as she first stops to pick up Ava sipping cup that lay beside her sleeping body. "I was thinking of getting my boobs done" wide-eyed as he looks at her "L-l-like making them smaller?" not even knowing how much he liked the larger breast on her till she got them "I don't know yet, but maybe a lift so they aren't so saggy" shrugging as she flops down next to her as her breast bounce. Keeping his eyes off of her breast as best as he could "But I mean we're trying to have a it even safe to do?"

"Well like after the last one"

"Is this going to be the last one?" silent as they look at one another both of them questioning the same thing 'Is this going to be our last one, our last newborn, our last pregnancy, our last nursery...'

"What are we going to do about a nursery?" both of them speaking at the same time both of them realizing they don't have another room, every room is filled with them or the kids "We can't build another room and we can't expand the place...the laundry room is right there were we could..." Maddie spacing out as she speaks about how there is no room. "We still got time, and we can of course talk to Tony, he would figure something out in a heartbeat"

"What if we moved" looking at him "You want to move?" shrugging "I don't know...but you know...we could. We could have our own house, an actual house not an oversized apartment, a door that leads straight to the backyard, bedrooms upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry room, playroom all downstairs. We can't really have that here." looking around the apartment. Bucky also looking around "Ya, that's true..."

"Daddy I'm ready!" Willow running out with her little ballerina bag "Okay pumpkin give me one second" looking back to Maddie, "We can talk about it a little more tonight, okay?" Maddie nodding her head as she takes Atlas from him so he can take Willow to ballet. "Say bye to mommy and Atlas" Willow running over to Maddie "Bye mommy" reaching up with her lips pushed out for a kiss "Bye baby I'll see you later" Willow kissing Atlas as he smiles wiping his face after she kissed him. 

Walking into the dance studio getting Willow signed in "Go start stretching and get your shoes on pumpkin" patting her little bottom as she runs over to the stretching area. "Just to let you know, we do have a new ballet teacher today, Willow's normal teacher is out on vacation so today we have Ms. Raquel" nodding his head as he begins to head over to Willow before getting stopped. 

"Hi" turning to see a slender woman with pitch black hair tied up in a bun "Hi, you must be Ms. Raquel" holding his hand out "Yes I am and you must be Mr. Barnes" smiling as he nods "Yes I am" 

"Daddy?" looking over to Willow as he has his metal arm resting on the small wall separating him from the dance room where Raquel stands in "Yes pumpkin" looking at her walking over holding her shoes. 

Raquel eyeing Bucky up and down looking over his arm resting between them. Bringing her hand out grazing her finger over the metal feeling that the temperature being cool but not cold. Bucky seeing her finger moving over the metal, turning his head to watch her as her eyes move from his forearm up to his shoulder coming to his face finding him already looking at him "Sorry" pulling away as she steps away to find something to do. 

Looking back to Willow "What's wrong?" Willow holding her shoes up "They hurt" taking the ballet shoes as he inspects them seeing if there was something in them "I don't see anything in here pumpkin, where does it hurt?" 

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