Chapter 93

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"Come on pumpkin jump in, I'll catch you" holding his hands out for Willow to jump in the pool with her pink floaties on "I'm scared"

"No reason to be scared daddy is right here to catch you" Ava standing behind her with her hands on her hips waiting as she juts her hip out rolling her eyes.

Maddie watching from the shelf where she sits with Atlas in her lap splashing the water and his toys in his lap. Squealing every time he gets a good splash.

"Jump Willow" Ava getting upset as she waits "Shut up Ava" back talking her as she looks at her. Bucky watching them as they stick their tongues out at each other "Girls knock it off. Pumpkin come on and jump in I'm going to catch you"

Willow stepping closer to the edge of the pool looking down to see how deep it was. Ava grunting as she steps up pushing Willow in as she screams as she falls into Buckys arms spitting out the water she got in her mouth.

"Ava don't do that" Maddie warning Ava. Ava rolling her eyes as she steps back getting a running start as she jumps into the pool with no floaties on. Bucky shaking his head as she comes up to the surface with her flyaways plastered to her face.

"Good jump peanut" putting his hand out for her to swim to him as she does and then sits on his hip "Thank you" wiping her hands over her face to push the hair out of her face "See Willow" Ava pointing to the edge.

"Stop being a brat peanut, pumpkin is still scared to jump in that doesn't mean we are rude to her"

"Ya!" Willow splashing water at Ava as she then splashed back as a counterattack. Both of them splashing each other as Bucky slowly lets go of them letting them play around. Swimming over to Maddie and Atlas beaching himself on the shelf making Atlas smile as he reaches out grabbing Buckys beard.

"You want to swim around Bubba?" Holding his hands out as Atlas leans forward into his arms. Moving off the shelf as he swims around with Atlas as Maddie lays out on the lounge on the shelf.

Bucky swimming over to the other side of the pool grabbing the baby float to put Atlas in. Setting him in as he adjusts his little yellow duck hat that matches his blue swim trunks with yellow ducks all over them.

Letting him float around as she moves back over to Maddie taking her off the lounge "Let's swim around doll" holding her in his arms as he moves them around the pool looking at the girls playing with each other and Atlas babbling away splashing the water he could get too.

"Few more days till your little man is a year old" resting his chin on her shoulder. "Ya I don't think I'm ready for my baby boy to get closer to being a toddler"

"I know I'm not ready either," kissing her cheek "but just think he's getting closer to walking and talking soon, you'll get to hear him call you ma-ma soon"

"Should we be concerned he isn't talking yet?" looking over to him kicking his little legs under the water while blow raspberries "Normal babies start talking between 12 and 18 months he's just being an actual normal baby so we got to have the time to live with a normal baby"

"Ya, it has been nice to not have a 7-month-old running around trying to talk." smiling as she rests against him now that they've moved to sit on the shelf. "Do you think he has any serum in him?" Maddie asking as she looks up to him "I don't know...we only tested Willow for it, we probably should test the other two" 

Looking away from each other to see the girls swimming towards them "We have to potty" Ava saying as she stands on the shelf "Okay, I'll take them" Bucky kissing the top of her head as he stands picking up Ava and Willow taking them to the bathroom. Swimming over to Atlas bringing him over to the shelf looking at his baby blue eyes and his cleft chin becoming more prominent. 

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