Chapter 104

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"I want their faces blurred then, I don't need their faces out any more than they already are" sitting in the conference room as Tony discusses the camera crew that will be at the compound for the next week for the short series he wants out for the Avengers.

"Done deal kiddo, that's why I wanted to talk to you and all of you" looking at the entire team in the conference room. "Rogers will you be wanting Grayson face also blurred?" the couple looking at one another then to Bucky and Maddie. "I want my kids identity protected, yes there are photos out there of them but the less the better, they didn't choose to be related to Tony or be born, but that's my opinion."

Nat and Steve turning to look at one another. "Can we think about it?" Nat asking Tony "Of course but papers need to be signed by tomorrow evening if you want Grayson's face blurred " 


"Alright everyone is excused and they will all be here on Monday to begin filming." Tony waving his hands around to get everyone out of the room. Bucky and Maddie walking out before being almost tackled by the kids. Maddie scoops Atlas putting him on her hip as Bucky takes both of the girls. 

"Willow hit me" Ava tattles. Bucky turning to look at Willow whose face is now turning red from embarrassment "I-I-I" looking at Bucky as tears begin to fill her eyes. "Why did you hit?" Maddie coming in full swing as she stops Bucky from walking as both of the girls look at her. "She took my toy"

"It was my turn!" Ava pointing to herself "I was still playing with my dolls!" Ava rolling her eyes "Stop being a baby" 

Maddie having enough as she puts Atlas down. Grabbing both of the girls putting them down as she squats to get eye level with them "I'm done with this "baby" nonsense and Willow you shouldn't have hit Ava, both of you in time out now!" being stern since she never punishes the kids "But-"

"No buts Ava, time out corner now" pointing to the time out corner in the team living room. The girls looking at one another until finally walking to the corner. Eyeing them as they walk shoulder to shoulder with each other until Ava pushes Willow and Willow pushes back until they are in a pushing match. 

"GIRLS!" Maddie shouts stunning both of them "ENOUGH CORNER NOW!" the girls walking to the corner taking a seat in both the chairs facing away from each other. Sighing as she bends over picking Atlas up putting him back on her hip. 

"I'm not ready for when they are teenagers-" freezing as she sees Bucky staring at her "Okay, that look is what made these three-"

"We need a babysitter!" Bucky shouting as he walks into the living room "I call Atlas!" Pepper running over taking him from Maddie who was not sure what was happening. "We'll watch the girls" Wanda says. "Perfect" 

Bucky turning around throwing Maddie over his shoulder "See you guys in an hour" waving his hand then smacking her ass "You could've said you wanted to fuck"

"This is better" taking the stairs three at a time. Running down the hall to get to their place. Opening the door barely catching himself before crashing to the ground with all the toys scattered around the room. "God this place is a mess" Maddie looking around. 

"Don't worry I got a place in mind" reaching over to the hooks on the wall grabbing the keys to his bike. "Where?"

"Home" stepping out of the house as he heads back to the stairs taking them all the way to the garage to his bike. 

Standing in the kitchen cutting some fruit up for the girls as they watch some cartoons. "And this is the team living room" Tony announces as he enters with the camera crew "This is where the Avengers come to hang out together, we have a full kitchen, dining room, and seating area for everyone including the kids." looking over to the kids. 

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