Chapter 109

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Giggling as Bucky randomly attacks her neck as she tries to bake brownies. "And this right here, is how she got pregnant the other times, so in about 12 weeks they will be telling us they are pregnant" Sam speaking into the camera with the crew still there. "Sam do me a favor and shut the fuck up" Bucky throwing him a middle finger. 

"Go shove it up your wife"

"Glady" grabbing Maddie as she laughs as he carries her out of the room "I'm trying to make brownies" laughing as her head rests on his shoulder. "You're right we should bring the batter with us" walking backwards grabbing the bowl of batter as he walks out. 

"Keep it out of your wife's vag or she's going to get a yeast infection" Sam commenting as he grabs the spatula to lick it clean. 

Feeling a smack to his arm jolting him awake "Who the fuck is Jessica?!" Maddie yelling at him as he blinks rapidly to see her angry face in his "Who?"

"Who the fuck is Jessica?!" stumbling over his words "I-I-I I don't know a Jessica" scoffing as she rolls her eyes "You fucked her so you must know her!" shaking his head as he begins to sit up "I never fucked a Jessica, I fucked a Jezebel back in the 40s but-" Maddie smacking him in the arm "Ow what?!" confused as he sees Maddie fuming.

"You mean to tell me you didn't fuck Jessica?" looking over her shoulder seeing the clock read the time of 4:02 am. "I didn't fuck a Jessica, will you give me so more information because I am very confused right now"

"You fucked her right here in our bed!" smacking her hand on bed. "I haven't fucked anyone in this bed except for you. And I haven't fucked anyone but you in 16 years."

"Who was the other bitch?" throwing her hands in the air "Heather, but that was almost 2 decades ago-and where is this coming from?"

"I caught you fucking Jessica" throwing the covers off of her as she walks over to the bathroom. "Doll-"

"Don't doll me you cheater!" getting up to go after her "Doll, stop" seeing her sitting down on the toilet going to the bathroom. "When did you catch me?" trying to piece everything together "Just now!"

Scrunching his face in confusion as he looks at the bedroom. "Doll it's 4 in the morning and we are sleeping in the same bed" looking at her as she looks at him before looking over to the bed "I-I just caught you" her voice dropping as she stares off into the bedroom. 

Walking over to her squatting down getting eye level with her, "Doll, you're pregnant, your hormones are all over the place, did you just have a vivid dream?" her head turning back to look at him as he watches the confusion wash over her face as she tries to figure everything out herself. 

"I caught you" pointing to the bedroom as her voice keeps lowering. "I think you just had a vivid dream doll" bringing his hand up brushing her hair back. "It seemed so real" looking at him seeing him giving her an easy smile "I know but it was just a dream" 

Sighing as she reaches for the toilet paper "Sorry James" 

"It's okay, let's just get back to bed" standing upright as he waits for her to finish up. Walking back to bed covering each other up as they snuggle back together. Wrapping his arm around her holding her snug to his body "I'm going to have to take in as much cuddles as I can before this one puts some space between us" whispering to her before hearing their door open. 

Popping their heads up seeing Atlas opening the door with  Ava and Willow behind him "Can we help you?" Maddie asking "We heard yelling" Atlas saying as they all make their way into the room, "Oh mommy just had a bad dream" replying to Atlas as she adjusts to see them better. 

The kids looking at one another before turning to whisper to each other. Maddie and Bucky looking to one another holding back a laugh at the kids. The kids turning back around as they climb into bed. 

"I forgot Alpine" Ava hopping off the bed as she runs back to her room to get Alpine. Willow and Atlas clinging to Maddie as Bucky readjusts the covers for everyone. Ava rounding the bed curling into Bucky side with Alpine. 

"Looks like we got a full house" looking at Maddie "Yes we do...супер аншлаг за 6 месяцев" (A super full house in 6 months) smiling as they look at one another "Hey we can't speak Russian yet, only English" Ava saying as she picks her head up on Buckys chest. 

Chuckling as he looks at Ava "Я тебя люблю" Ava giggling "I love you too daddy" as she squeezes Alpine tighter as she lays her head back down on his chest smiling. "Let's go back to bed we still have a few hours before we need to get up" pulling the covers back over him, Ava and Alpine. 

Sitting on the couch as she stares off into the hallway "Whatcha thinking about beautiful?" walking from the kitchen with a smoothie for her "I don't want to move the kids out of here with Steve and Nat talking about having another kid."

"I want this one to have their cousin with them, and it's so much easier to get a babysitter and their family is all here and I love the house you bought but I do think it's a good home away from home house." looking at him with pinched brows. 

Resting his arm around the back of the couch "Like I've said before we can do whatever we want with the house, it doesn't have to be a house we live in. We can see if Tony can build an addition."

"I don't want anyone to know that we are pregnant yet, I want to enjoy some time again and I want to know the gender first as well." 

"That's fine but we can tell him we just want an extra room to be a playroom for the kids and then we can make it a bedroom." sitting up quickly "You are so smart! I was going to say a cat room!" giving herself a small smack on her head. 

"You would've thought out of that don't worry, just some pregnancy brain that's all." kissing her head "I forget how bad pregnancy brain is every time, I need to start carrying around a notepad again."

"I'll be your notepad doll, now let's watch a movie before we have to go pick up the kids." Maddie immedailty snuggling up to him "Can we watch White Chicks?" chuckling as he picks up the remote "Of course" 


I took a 4 hour nap after work and I'm already tired again. I am also dying my on Friday going to go copper and I am so excited and so nervous. 


Doll Pumpkin Peanut ...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora