Chapter 139

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Almost 5000 words enjoy!

"Willow and Ava are having a sleepover at Jasmine and Issac's house, I have Hazel and Atlas under control so go have fun" Bucky says as he has Hazel wrapped on his chest as she is wide awake staring at Maddie in front of them. Maddie sitting at her vanity looking at him through the mirror "I know I just always feel bad for leaving them even for a night when they are so little" looking at Hazel grinning away as she lets out baby cooes.

"It's one night and you can always come back home if you feel like you need to." reaching his hand out to hold her face "No one is keeping you from coming home, you can always call one of the drivers and they will come and pick you up and bring you right back here and you can cuddle with Hazel and Atlas all night long"

"What if I just want to cuddle with you?" looking at him with her large eyes with the faint line around her eyes showing her age. "Then I need to run to the store for some condoms" Maddie smiling as she smacks his thigh "I'm teasing doll, always up to you" winking at her as Hazel cooes loudly "Oh you think its funny when I hit daddy" baby talking as she closes in on Hazel as she cooes and smiles.

"Ya?" smacking Bucky again as Hazel laughs showing her gummy smile. Maddie smile stretching her skin as she pinched Hazel cheeks "Oh you are going to be just like Willow, hitting daddy when he would kiss me huh" leaning forward rubbing her nose with her own before giving her a kiss. "Let me hold her"

Bucky moving the fabric around to help ease her out as she picks her up "Oh my baby girl" holding her up then to her chest "Oh my baby I will be back tomorrow I promise, I love you very very much" kissing the top of her head. Then smelling her head. Bucky shaking his head at her love of smelling then when their babies.

"Does she still smell good?" Questioning her as she continues to smell her nodding her head. Chucking as he steps back to look at it fully.

Smiling at the view of Maddies hair pulled halfway up, her makeup enhancing her eyes, and lips as they shine against the vanity light. Her black leather skirt hugging her waist and cupping her full ass. Only wearing a black bra underneath her mesh long sleeve top with black roses and jewels covering the fabric.

Half-hazardly licking his lips as he looks her up down as he follows her legs down to her bare feet wondering what shoes she'll be wearing out of the house. 

Too busy baby talking with Hazel not noticing Bucky is staring at her until she goes to hand her off. Pausing as she looks at him seeing his head begin to tilt to the side when he gets a dirty thought. 

Letting him enjoy the view as he thinks of his fantasy. Moving Hazel over to hold her on the side "Daddy likes to look at mommy, so get use to it" whispering to her as she flip her hair over her shoulder "Do you think this is too revealing?" as she looks to Bucky pretending she doesn't see how he is looking at her. 

Bucky shaking his head as he snaps back "Uh no no I don't I think it looks great....uh co-could you give a twirl?" bringing his hand up to rub over his short beard. Smiling as she holds Hazel as she does a twirl on her toes. "You think you can skip girls night" giving a shy smirk as she giggles "I cou-"

"No no don't listen to me, give me my daughter I need to go get some air...maybe touch some grass" taking Hazel back as Maddie laughs as he walks out with Hazel cooing away. 

Sitting back down in her vanity touching up her lipstick. Her phone chiming as she see the group chat text 

Pulling up in 3 minutes get your juicy ass downstairs

Chuckling over Nats text message as looks herself over before standing checking her outfit before walking to her closet grabbing her Steve Madden boots that sit perfectly around her calf. Slipping her socks on before her boots grabbing her tiny black purse as she quickly goes downstairs seeing Atlas asleep on his beanbag chair. 

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