Chapter 88

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This isn't really fluff but I know you will all like this

Dragging his finger over her hand that lays on his chest. Picking up her hand gently to not wake her as he slides his fingers between hers looking at her small hand in his with her wedding ring shining in the morning light. 

Bringing her hand up to his lips giving feather kisses as he trails down to her wrist. Resting their hands back down on his chest as he looks at her curled up to his side with his other arm draped around her. Looking behind her to find Ava fast asleep with her foot on the pillow and her head under the covers. Grabbing the blanket pulling it away seeing her with a binkie in her mouth 'Aw someone found the stash for teething' reaching over sliding it out of her mouth seeing one of her back teeth poking through her gums. 

Looking at the rest of the bed seeing if Willow crawled in as well but not seeing her. Looking over to the clock on his nightstand seeing the girls wouldn't be up for at least another hour and Atlas in about 45 minutes. Grabbing the baby monitor seeing Atlas fast asleep as well, clicking the camera over to see Willow asleep in her bed. 

Carefully removing himself from the bed as he walks around to the other side picking up Ava as she curls into his arms. Freezing to not wake her up as she moves around, waiting till she relaxes in his arms as he moves to her room, laying her down next Alpine who was sleeping in her bed. Alpine stretching as she re-curls herself onto Ava side. 

Stretching as he exits the bedroom walking back to his room seeing Maddie rubbing her eyes "No go back to sleep" whispering as he rounds the bed to cuddle back with her "My boobs hurt" sitting up as she sees her top turning wet from leaking. "Hand-held or machine?" 

"Hand-held is fine" yawning as Bucky grabs the hand-held pump from the basket beside the bed for her to pump "I just need to get a little bit out, I don't want to wake him." Moving the pillows to lay back on the headrest as she places each nipple into the funnel and begins manually pumping. "How's your leg" still yawning as she fights sleep. 

"Good" grabbing his boxers pulling it high up to show the scar "What did I tell ya, one month and I would be good to go" winking at her as he grabs the water bottle off of the nightstand cracking it open as he brings it to her lips to drink, "Thanks"

"You are at 5 in the left and 4 and half on the right" looking at the lines "Okay I should be good then" carefully pulling them off handing them to Bucky as he sets them aside as she uses a baby wipe to clean her breast from any leftover residue. 

"Perfect" whispering as he grabs her leg pulling her down to lay flat against the bed as he rolls himself over her. Dipping his head down as he kisses and licks her nipples "Stop it" trying to not laugh and moan at the sensation. "You know they are super sensitive right now"

"I know that's why I want them, and they are swollen right now" giving a small nip to them making her jump "James" popping his head up to look at her "Is there something else that needs my attention?" Sliding his hands under the blankets as his finger grazes her panties "Looks like you don't need my help down here doll, you're already wet" trailing his finger further down "Is this what needs my attention?" feeling his finger press into her backside. 

"I can't get pregnant from there" bringing her hand up to hold his arm that was beside her. "I only need to look at you to get you pregnant" giggling as she slides herself to sit up a little "Well if that's the case I guess we're done here." fixing her top to cover herself "Uh uh" grabbing the shirt fisting it in his hand "What? You said all you had to do was look at me to get me pregnant, so there is no need to spread my legs anymore" 

Smiling as she lays her hand over his slowly removing his hand around her shirt. "You're words James" sliding herself out of bed as she heads to the door looking at him leaning back on his heels watching her over his shoulder. 

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